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Horizon Forbidden West


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Ospite Utente cancellato 113

Fatte tutte le partite di batosta. è molto più semplice di quel che sembra. Avrei gradito un i.a. più agguerrita e che ci fosse qualche regola per impedire di prendere tempo aspettando che sia l'avversario ad attaccare ( cosa che fanno anche i nemici).

Qualche consiglio, non approcciatelo come fossero scacchi è molto più istintivo ( senza muoversi a caso), avere meno pezzi aiuta molto. Con L1 e R1 si può cambiare visuale a batosta ma sinceramente le trove più scomode di quella base ( il non riconosce subito alcuni pezzi in realtà è un non problema).


Per il resto batosta ha del potenziale soprattutto nello sfruttare i differenti terreni che nelle versione più estreme rendono la scelta dei pezzi e la strategia differenti.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 113

100 e passa ore ed ancora ne ho da fare :eek:


Tra l'altro con più esperienza c'è molta più voglia di provare e sperimentare armi e combinazioni nuove.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 113

Due titoloni, bellissimo... Però intanto lo avete accantonato DOPO l'arrivo dell'altro... Siete degli ipocriti.

Non ho accantonato nulla, ne presso altro, devo ancora finire questo.

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Due titoloni, bellissimo... Però intanto lo avete accantonato DOPO l'arrivo dell'altro... Siete degli ipocriti.

Io ho preso direttamente e solo Elden ring:asd:


Prima spolpo quello, poi si recupera horizon e lo si gioca con calma e lo si apprezza per quello che offre:sisi:

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Ospite Utente cancellato 60

l'ho platinato ma sto continuando a giocarci, ho superato le 100 ore, mi piace la meccanica delle macchine Apex ( alfa in italiano ), varianti più forti che spawnano sopratutto di notte, da cui ottenere i cuori per potenziare le armature e le armi più forti, mi ha dato qualche feels di Monster Hunter cercare di staccare il pezzo che mi serviva da una macchina per potenziare la singola arma :biggrin:


ho fatto tutte le attività secondarie mi mancano solo le partite a batosta meccanica

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Ieri sera...

[spoiler=Bastione Tenakth]Incontro il moncherino che doveva scortarmi dalla tribù del cielo, parliamo, si gira per andar via e PLUF... mi sparisce nella roccia al centro del villaggio. Ricarico, stessa cosa, dopo 2 o 3 tentativi vado di fionda esplosiva e gli tiro una fiondata un attimo prima che si rinfili nella roccia. Sono riuscito ad andare avanti. :botteaSirio:


  • Haha 1
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Comunque è uscita la seconda patch da 2gb in meno di 4gg.


[HEADING=2]Horizon Forbidden West update 1.07 patch notes[/HEADING]

Main Quests


  • Fixed an issue in ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the quest would not progress correctly if the second shuttle cable connector was shot first.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the player could exit the play space.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘The Embassy’ where rushing back through the Barren Light gate during The Embassy will get the player stuck in Barren Light.
  • Fixed an issue in “Death’s Door” where the player could summon their mount in an underground location.
  • Fixed an issue in “Death’s Door” where the player cannot interact with a console.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘The Sea of Sands’ where the objective to craft the diving mask updated incorrectly, blocking progression.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Thebes’ where the player could squeeze through a gap in geometry near the Underwater Powerplant and fall out of the world.

Side Quests


  • Fixed an issue in ‘Breaking Even’ where the player could not talk to Porguf to turn in the quest if Talanah was also present in Camp Nowhere.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Shadow in the West’ where reloading a save could respawn the player outside of an enclosed combat space.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Blood Choke’ where Atekka could be idling unresponsively outside Thornmarsh if the player approached from a certain direction.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘A Soldier’s March’ where Penttoh could become unresponsive while moving towards the mountain peak, thus blocking progression.
  • Fixed an issue ‘The Second Verse’ where the “Talk to Zo” objective does not update after abandoning the side quest midway.
  • Fixed an issue ‘Nights of Lights’ where the “Gather the Gizmo” objective does not update.

World Activities


  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where in rare cases the race did not start after completing a practice run.
  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where coming in last place could count as a win.
  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet Run: The Stillsands, where the player could be directed to play the Activity before the Activity can be started.
  • Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the quest would sometimes not complete correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the machine trails would not show if the player fast traveled away during the objective.
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Ravager Cannon’ salvage contract where the objective did not update correctly if the player detached one of the cannons with a high damage, high tear attack.
  • Fixed an issue with the Eastern Lie Regalla camp where loading a save made at the campfire would place Aloy at a different campfire.
  • Fixed an issue in Salvage Contract Ancient Relics, where the “Gather Ancient Relics” objective would stay stuck on 2/3.
  • Fixed an issue in Regalla Camp Devil’s Grasp where enemies may not respawn after reloading a save game during the “Kill the Rebel Leader” objective.
  • Fixed an issue in Rebel Outpost Jagged Deep where the player could teleport across the map when reloading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue in Sunken Cavern: The Gouge, where the player could swim through a gap in the cave wall.



  • Added an ‘Always Off’ option for weapons & ammo, and tools & potions in the Custom HUD options.
  • Fixed several outfit icons that used the incorrect assets in the inventory menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the map where unnatural movement would occur when centering the view on the player or a quest objective.



  • Added smoother transition between Tropospheric and Cirrus cloud layers, and better matching of the coloring of the supercell Anvil and Cirrus clouds.
  • Fixed an issue with the Very Large Array Tallneck where the model would display low level detail at a certain distance.
  • Made multiple tweaks to vegetation to improve image quality in the Favor Performance mode.
  • Fixed an instance of flickering white lights in main quest ‘Death’s Door’.
  • Improved stability of depth of field during cinematics.
  • Reduced stepping artifacts from SSAO in extreme closeup situations
  • Reduced changes to saturation on motion blur.
  • Improved quality and stability of shadows.
  • Improved quality of grass in specific situations.

Performance and Stability


  • Multiple crash fixes.
  • Fixed several instances where NPCs and textures would visibly stream in on PS4™ when the player approached a settlement at high speed.
  • Fixed several instances where loading screens or black screens would trigger unintentionally.
  • Fixed an issue with streaming after the end credits sequence was skipped.

Photo Mode improvements


  • Increased precision in precision mode to allow for much more control when orienting and moving the camera, especially when using long focal lengths and large apertures.
  • The minimum focus distance has been reduced to 5cm allowing for more creative shots and macro photography.
  • Changed the film back to 35mm full frame, for more clear focal length and DOF translation, and more intuitive selection of focal lengths for virtual photographers.
  • Added many more focal lengths to cover the range between 10mm and 300mm in 35mm full frame allowing for more creative expressions.
  • Added a FoV match for the default camera.
  • Increased the radius that photographers can use around Aloy from 5 to 10 meters.
  • Various small quality of life improvements.
  • The Auto Focus rectangle and the Rule of Third grid are now hidden when using the Hide UI option.
  • Fixed an issue where a moire effect could be visible on characters’ skin during close-up shots.



  • Fixed a camera collision issue that would sometimes occur when the player was mounted and maneuvering near obstacles of a certain height.
  • Fixed several animation issues with NPCs in settlements.
  • Slightly increased the ammo cost of the Propelled Spike weapon technique for game balance reasons.
  • Fixed an instance where Aloy could get stuck inside geometry in the Memorial Grove settlement when trying to jump out through a gap in the wall.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would appear to hang briefly after skipping through the end credits sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where the PS5 Operating System “Game Presets” difficulty would override the difficulty level in-game.
  • Fixed an issue where interactable objects would sometimes lose collision, causing the player to fall through the object.
  • Fixed an issue where the player might fall through the world when fast traveling while on a mount.

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Comunque è uscita la seconda patch da 2gb in meno di 4g

[HEADING=2]Horizon Forbidden West update 1.07 patch notes[/HEADING]


781 MB, ma vabbè



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Ospite Utente cancellato 113

La fisica è fatta davvero bene quando c'è.


Ho appeno visto un mini tornado passare su una macchina che avevo abbattuto e ne ha risucchiato alcune parti, tra cui alcune che potevo raccogliere che ha poi lanciato in giro.

Idem le rocce o gli alberi che distruggono le macchine, varie risorse ecc... hanno un comportamento davvero credibile

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Ospite Utente cancellato 61

La fisica è fatta davvero bene quando c'è.


Ho appeno visto un mini tornado passare su una macchina che avevo abbattuto e ne ha risucchiato alcune parti, tra cui alcune che potevo raccogliere che ha poi lanciato in giro.

Idem le rocce o gli alberi che distruggono le macchine, varie risorse ecc... hanno un comportamento davvero credibile

L'interazione è molto migliorata. Naturalmente devi avere armi efficaci e le macchine essere imponenti per far volare tutto 😅

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Comunque è uscita la seconda patch da 2gb in meno di 4gg.


[HEADING=2]Horizon Forbidden West update 1.07 patch notes[/HEADING]

Main Quests


  • Fixed an issue in ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the quest would not progress correctly if the second shuttle cable connector was shot first.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the player could exit the play space.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘The Embassy’ where rushing back through the Barren Light gate during The Embassy will get the player stuck in Barren Light.
  • Fixed an issue in “Death’s Door” where the player could summon their mount in an underground location.
  • Fixed an issue in “Death’s Door” where the player cannot interact with a console.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘The Sea of Sands’ where the objective to craft the diving mask updated incorrectly, blocking progression.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Thebes’ where the player could squeeze through a gap in geometry near the Underwater Powerplant and fall out of the world.

Side Quests


  • Fixed an issue in ‘Breaking Even’ where the player could not talk to Porguf to turn in the quest if Talanah was also present in Camp Nowhere.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Shadow in the West’ where reloading a save could respawn the player outside of an enclosed combat space.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Blood Choke’ where Atekka could be idling unresponsively outside Thornmarsh if the player approached from a certain direction.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘A Soldier’s March’ where Penttoh could become unresponsive while moving towards the mountain peak, thus blocking progression.
  • Fixed an issue ‘The Second Verse’ where the “Talk to Zo” objective does not update after abandoning the side quest midway.
  • Fixed an issue ‘Nights of Lights’ where the “Gather the Gizmo” objective does not update.

World Activities


  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where in rare cases the race did not start after completing a practice run.
  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where coming in last place could count as a win.
  • Fixed an issue in Gauntlet Run: The Stillsands, where the player could be directed to play the Activity before the Activity can be started.
  • Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the quest would sometimes not complete correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the machine trails would not show if the player fast traveled away during the objective.
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Ravager Cannon’ salvage contract where the objective did not update correctly if the player detached one of the cannons with a high damage, high tear attack.
  • Fixed an issue with the Eastern Lie Regalla camp where loading a save made at the campfire would place Aloy at a different campfire.
  • Fixed an issue in Salvage Contract Ancient Relics, where the “Gather Ancient Relics” objective would stay stuck on 2/3.
  • Fixed an issue in Regalla Camp Devil’s Grasp where enemies may not respawn after reloading a save game during the “Kill the Rebel Leader” objective.
  • Fixed an issue in Rebel Outpost Jagged Deep where the player could teleport across the map when reloading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue in Sunken Cavern: The Gouge, where the player could swim through a gap in the cave wall.



  • Added an ‘Always Off’ option for weapons & ammo, and tools & potions in the Custom HUD options.
  • Fixed several outfit icons that used the incorrect assets in the inventory menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the map where unnatural movement would occur when centering the view on the player or a quest objective.



  • Added smoother transition between Tropospheric and Cirrus cloud layers, and better matching of the coloring of the supercell Anvil and Cirrus clouds.
  • Fixed an issue with the Very Large Array Tallneck where the model would display low level detail at a certain distance.
  • Made multiple tweaks to vegetation to improve image quality in the Favor Performance mode.
  • Fixed an instance of flickering white lights in main quest ‘Death’s Door’.
  • Improved stability of depth of field during cinematics.
  • Reduced stepping artifacts from SSAO in extreme closeup situations
  • Reduced changes to saturation on motion blur.
  • Improved quality and stability of shadows.
  • Improved quality of grass in specific situations.

Performance and Stability


  • Multiple crash fixes.
  • Fixed several instances where NPCs and textures would visibly stream in on PS4™ when the player approached a settlement at high speed.
  • Fixed several instances where loading screens or black screens would trigger unintentionally.
  • Fixed an issue with streaming after the end credits sequence was skipped.

Photo Mode improvements


  • Increased precision in precision mode to allow for much more control when orienting and moving the camera, especially when using long focal lengths and large apertures.
  • The minimum focus distance has been reduced to 5cm allowing for more creative shots and macro photography.
  • Changed the film back to 35mm full frame, for more clear focal length and DOF translation, and more intuitive selection of focal lengths for virtual photographers.
  • Added many more focal lengths to cover the range between 10mm and 300mm in 35mm full frame allowing for more creative expressions.
  • Added a FoV match for the default camera.
  • Increased the radius that photographers can use around Aloy from 5 to 10 meters.
  • Various small quality of life improvements.
  • The Auto Focus rectangle and the Rule of Third grid are now hidden when using the Hide UI option.
  • Fixed an issue where a moire effect could be visible on characters’ skin during close-up shots.



  • Fixed a camera collision issue that would sometimes occur when the player was mounted and maneuvering near obstacles of a certain height.
  • Fixed several animation issues with NPCs in settlements.
  • Slightly increased the ammo cost of the Propelled Spike weapon technique for game balance reasons.
  • Fixed an instance where Aloy could get stuck inside geometry in the Memorial Grove settlement when trying to jump out through a gap in the wall.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would appear to hang briefly after skipping through the end credits sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where the PS5 Operating System “Game Presets” difficulty would override the difficulty level in-game.
  • Fixed an issue where interactable objects would sometimes lose collision, causing the player to fall through the object.
  • Fixed an issue where the player might fall through the world when fast traveling while on a mount.


Le migliorie grafice riguardano solo PS5, mi sembra di capire...

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Fixed several instances where NPCs and textures would visibly stream in on PS4™ when the player approached

Si... ha grossi problemi nello stream delle texture su ps4 pro, specialmente nelle cutscene.


Dopo aver recuperato demetra parte la missione successiva è seguire il sengale di ilizia... parte con la cutscene di Aloy che si arrampica sulla montagna... sembrava half life 1. Poi pian piano ha caricato le texture.


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Due titoloni, bellissimo... Però intanto lo avete accantonato DOPO l'arrivo dell'altro... Siete degli ipocriti.

Non vedo l'ipocrisia.

Voglio godermi entrambi, giocarli in contemporanea è un crimine. ER essenso anche multiplayer conviene cavalcare l'onda della release.


Ad Aloy ci penso con più calma e relax, dovendolo tra l'altro giocare con la mia compagna.

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A me continua a non far parlare con la gente che "suggerisce" le secondarie ai falò ed, inoltre, con la patch nuova Aloy è scurissima nell'inventario

Se parli della tizia all'uscita della base in territorio Tenakth devi attendere la fine di un altra missione per parlarci.

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59 ore mi mancano 11 secondarie e ho fatto TUTTO, inteso colorato tutta la mappa perchè si, fatto primarie, secondarie, commissioni, colleziobali tutti i ? sulla mappa evidenziato ogni macchina sulla mappa, falò etc.. TUTTO... Ah si mi manca i 3 totem di guerra in onore di God of war, Atreus, Kratos Brock e Sindri che ti mollano la pittura alla Kratos per Aloy
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