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Horizon Forbidden West


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[HEADING=1]Better Cinematics[/HEADING]

We expect improved graphics with each new entry in a series, and so far, the footage shown for Forbidden West has been extremely impressive. But sometimes it takes seeing the game up-close to really notice its finer points. “Some of the big upgrades we’ve made to our cinematics include full motion-capture, better facial animation, and a top-tier cast,” says narrative director Benjamin McCaw. “That level of quality goes across the entire game, including some of our minor scenes.” In the demo we saw for the cover story, dialogue exchanges felt more authentic between characters due to these improvements, and it was especially noticeable in the facial animations. Aloy can now convey much more with her body language and eyes.



[HEADING=1]Livelier Locales[/HEADING]

Guerrilla wants settlements to feel “more lived in” and exciting to explore. This means townspeople will be more active, and you’ll experience fun little moments throughout their day. “We’ve upgraded our civilians and settlements since the last game with an improved crowd system, better animations, and much better audio,” McCaw says. “So everything should feel a little bit more authentic and lifelike.” During our demo, as we headed toward a tavern, we saw folks stumbling around outside of it, muttering incoherent sentiments and searching for their drink. Entering the actual tavern, things became more spirited, with patrons passionately ranting about their troubles, happily dancing together, and even a group singing merrily about their drunken tales as they banged on their table to establish a beat.



[HEADING=1]A Revamped Skill Tree[/HEADING]

Guerrilla has completely revamped the skill tree to give players more options to play how they want. It now features six different playstyles: warrior (melee), trapper (placing/disarming traps), hunter (ranged weapons), survivor (health/resource), infiltrator (stealth), and machine master (hacking). It appears each specialization has approximately 20-30 skills. The trees offer a mix of active skills, like using fewer resources in crafting, and passive boosts, like low health regen. Each tree also has its own unique Valor Surge, which are new special skills that can be executed once you fill up a meter by playing tactfully. In addition, certain boosts and skills can be upgraded to higher levels to raise their effectiveness. However, the biggest game-changer is the outfit and weave boosts, which can take certain skills past their level cap, raising some stats 300 percent.



[HEADING=1]More Scanning Abilities And Information[/HEADING]

Aloy’s scanning abilities now reveal more valuable information than ever. Getting around should be easier, as she can now scan for grapple points, which are annotated in yellow, in the environment. However, the most beneficial aspect is her ability to learn more about her mechanical adversaries. Guerrilla wants to give players as much information as possible to inform their strategy, so you’ll find out more than just about their weaknesses and main stats when scanning. You can now learn everything from if a machine has a key upgrade resource to if a part is indestructible. You can even uncover if one of their weapons is detachable and can be used for your own gain. Aloy can also tag parts, giving them a purple hue. It not only makes it easier to target these components but also ensures the parts don’t get lost in the chaos on the battlefield once you shoot them off.



[HEADING=1]Better Side Quest Rewards[/HEADING]

If you didn’t feel the side content was worth your time in Zero Dawn, Guerrilla is working to change that in Forbidden West. Its solution? More interesting side quests and greater rewards for engaging with them. “There’s a lot more variety in that sense - a more sense of accomplishment that you actually get something cool in return for doing these quests,” says game director Mathijs de Jonge. “That was another part where we felt like we had some room for improvement. So you get a cool weapon or you get a cool outfit, something that’s really useful for your next quest or activity.”



[HEADING=1]A Less Cluttered HUD[/HEADING]

If you thought there was too much on the screen to keep track of in Horizon Zero Dawn, you weren’t alone. Guerrilla took that feedback to heart going into Forbidden West and worked to have fewer distractions on the screen. “By default, the game starts on a minimalist mode, where there’s as little HUD information on the screen as possible,” explains de Jonge. “But in this mode, you can also just swipe up on the touchpad, and that will immediately bring up all the important information, such as objectives, or maybe your health, or your inventory.”



[HEADING=1]More Time With Companions[/HEADING]

If you were hoping for better relationship-building between Aloy and her companions, you’ll be happy to know this was an area of focus for Guerrilla with Forbidden West. The team spoke a lot about its efforts to improve its companion characters in hopes of players forming stronger connections to them. “The big focus, though, that we wanted to change from the first game to the second, is that you just get to spend more time with key characters,” McCaw says. “That’s something we tried to do consistently throughout the game. Not just for characters that you meet along the main quest, but also certain side quest characters; they don’t just go away after one quest.”



[HEADING=1]The Ability To Create Jobs For Upgrade Parts[/HEADING]

Really want to upgrade your weapon or armor, but don’t feel like searching aimlessly for the part in need? You’re in luck! Now, with a click of a button in the crafting menu, you can create a job to locate the resource you need. This will activate a quest and put a path on the map to where the machines holding them reside. It means you’ll never have to waste time just hoping for a drop, or wondering if you’re in the right place.


This is also a good thing, as machine parts will be more vital this time around. “In [Horizon Zero Dawn], it was more about the metal shards,” de Jonge says. “In this game, we tried to bring the machines and the encounters with the machines more into play, so a lot of the upgrades also cost specific machine resources. You have to go out and hunt specific machines.”

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Esatto…. È da sempre la parte più pallosa dei cloni di Assassin Creed. Ottimo invece il resto.

Le missioni dove non puoi accelerare il passo perché devi aspettare che il compagno ti raggiunga, dove non puoi nemmeno attivare il trigger e fartelo spownare li. Insopportabile

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Ancora peggio se muori e devi rifarlo…. Od i bug di cyberpunk :asd:

Se ti mettono una sezione di camminata lenta dove non puoi skippare o accelerare ma ascoltare i dialoghi del compagno over and over and over e di lì a poco si muore facile, il problema non ce l’ho io ma il game designer delle quest

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Febbraio è sempre più vicino!

Ed è un problema…


dying light 2 tra 3 settimane

Sifu tra 4 settimane

Horizon 2 tra 5 settimane

Elden Ring tra 6 settimane



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Continuo a non vedere problemi IL GIOCO di Febbraio è uno solo :uiui:


spoiler non è quello con la grafica migliore

Sifu :sisi:


(No vabbhe Elden è il mio most wanted ma Horizon DEVO giocarlo)

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    • Gli sconti (parecchi) esistono anche su PlayStation, ma poi per 10€ per andare IN PARI devi comprare almeno 100 giochi, tempo che li fai e devi già fare un upgrade 😂
    • Mirko c'è da dire un'altra cosa che però devi tenere nel discorso: i giochi su PC costano di meno anche perché gli sviluppatori li ottimizzano sempre peggio, certi titoli diventano giocabili quando la controparte console li sconta. Quante volte sto discorso non si fa? Eppure da giocatore PC l'ho provato sulla mia pelle, non che su console non ci siano spesso le stesse problematiche ma io avevo un mostro da 2.500€ e non hai idea di quanto mi girassero quando mi scattava Quantum Break o Mafia 3 (che configurazioni sotto la mia potevano a malapena avviare). Inoltre, altro discorso che non si fa mai, le librerie Steam contano titoli old gen che è ormai impossibile far partire, per dire che Bully della Rockstar conviene prenderselo su PS3 addirittura anziché su PC. Questo perché il sistema operativo si aggiorna ma molti titoli sono abbandonati in quello store e moltissime software house non aggiornano più giochi che a loro non portano introiti (però sono ancora regolarmente venduti su Steam). Salvo casi eccezionali (tipo GTA IV, giusto per ricitare Rockstar), le librerie Steam diventano quasi dei cimiteri degli elefanti. Ora, io su un PC pretendo, soprattutto se spendo tanto per l'hardware, di poter giocare a qualsiasi cosa e per riagganciarmi al discorso che facevo prima, pretendo addirittura di giocarci come più mi aggrada, che sia con un laptop o con una portatile; questa cosa è parzialmente possibile oggi (parzialmente perché, come spiegavo, la fruizione non è garantita per tutti i giochi presenti nell'ecosistema) ma devo comunque spendere di più rispetto alla controparte console e la questione convenienza non è minimamente contemplata. Gioco su PC perché mi piace, non perché conviene, quel discorso lì è decaduto ormai da qualche anno.
    • Dipende da quanto uno gioca, considerando che su pc c'è il gamepass e i giochi su steam costano 10 euro meno che su console (senza considerare la possibilità di acquistare le keys, che tengo fuori dal discorso)
    • Preso, ora si aspetta il 21 anche se probabilmente mi ci potrò mettere durante il weekend. Livello 150 quindi sto apposto, anche se non mi ricordo una sega come si gioca, e oggi mi sono messo ad aiutare gente contro Mogh e sono andato pure da Malenia (Ouch ).   Still peccato che non ci siano trofei :tsk:, btw su ps store manco me lo segnava come DLC ma come ''mappa''
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