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[TOPIC PRE-RELEASE] Ghost of Tsushima - 17 Luglio


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Zelda and Shadow of Colosus was a big inspiration for this game especially for artistic direction, he wanted the colors to be vibrant as possible.


The wind is the main way to navigate the game world, there are no markers. He wanted the game to be immersive as possible.


We can reduce the shine effect on the items that we can pick up. He made a comparison with Red Ded Redemption which is for him a good and beautiful game but for Ghost of Tsushima they wanted the game to be pleasant as possible to play without having too many superfluous animations which break the rhythm and that is why Jin can pick up items on his horse.


The instrument that we see Jin playing in the video will be the only one present in the game and Jason did not want to say what it would be used for.


We can hunt animals in the game but there is nothing to gain by doing it. Animals are mainly there to be more immersed in the universe and guiding you.


The Standoff mode can be activated anytime even in infiltration.


The little tennis balls are called the Jin Resolved Metter when we hit an enemy the bar will load and it will also be used for healing and there are also many other things related to this gauge but he did not want too get into the details.


There will be much more stances than the two that we saw in the video, it will be used to apprehend the different types of enemies.


The main weapon of the game will be and will remain the katana throughout the game but there will be many other weapons and gadgets. Weapons like the katana or the bow will be displayed on all the outfits of the game but not the smallest ones because there are a lot of outfits in the game and it would represent too much work.


If you wear heavy armor you will be less agile so it will make infiltration harder.


There are several ways to retrieve the outfits, either through the main story, by doing quests, by buying them in the villages or simply by exploring the world.


There are a lot of side stories in the game where you can build more or less strong relationships with different characters to learn more about their stories but it's up to the player's freedom and you can miss them.


The music is composed by Shigeru Umebayashi but the game having grown a lot, he realized that he could not do everything alone so they hired a second composer to work with Umebayashi and his name is Ilan Eshkeri.



“We thought about [a morality meter] because we had the karma system in [infamous: Second Son], but we realized it was more important to us that we wanted to tell a human story of someone who is this way and has to evolve into something else, versus transform completely into something else,” Connell explained. “He doesn't flip flop back and forth, it muddied it up for us. We really wanted the story to reflect his transformation."

“It definitely plays with the notion of, you're born and raised into this certain way of life. There's expectations of you, the way you should perform. And then at some point, because some events happen, in this case a war, you have to challenge those things. And not everybody's going to love the fact that you're going to challenge an assumption that's made upon your life,” he explained.

“There's definitely important story moments that are more reflective of this change than others. But the reality is that even as you have gotten to some story moments, you can still play the game as this Samurai, you may just be more potent or more powerful. We don't make you choose between [samurai and Ghost],” Connell said.


"When he's a Ghost, he can turn around and play as a samurai because he's always a samurai. All his training, using the Katana, that stuff is buried in him deep. On the stealth [state of Play segement], if you wanted to jump off the roof and start fighting like a samurai, you could totally do that. We don't spec you out and suddenly you can't play as a samurai. He's always at his core, his heart of hearts, a samurai. The Ghost is this legendary warrior that he's evolving into," Connell said.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 61

Minchia oh, di me non vi fidavate, dovevate per forza linkare m**** Ste-Hammer ha bannato per molto meno.


Jo ti odio. :nono:

azz non si possono linkare altri siti?In caso scusami. O forse solo alcuni non so fateme sape`:sisi:

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Ospite Utente cancellato 61

No no, per carità. Potete linkare quel che vi pare, ma prendere news da m**** mi è nauseante.

Ma pure per me figurati ma era in Italiano e molti non masticano l'inglese. L'ho fatto per gli altri :sisi:

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Questione moralità:


In merito al primo punto, quello della moralità, Connell ha spiegato ai colleghi statunitensi di IGN di aver deciso di escludere un sistema à la InFamous per concentrare il più possibile la storia sul viaggio personale di Jin. Dal momento che il nostro onorevole samurai dovrà partire da un punto A del suo percorso individuale per arrivare da una parte completamente diversa, non sarebbe stato coerente con questo aspetto mettere totalmente nelle mani del giocatore un repentino e continuo cambio di direzione.


Come spiegato da Connell:


Abbiamo pensato a un sistema di moralità, perché avevamo un sistema di karma in InFamous, ma poi ci siamo resi conto che quello che per noi era più importante era la volontà di raccontare la storia umana di qualcuno che è fatto a questo modo e deve evolvere in quest’altro. Abbiamo preferito questo all’idea, invece, che si trasformasse in qualcosa di diverso. Non fa avanti e indietro tra una cosa e l’altra, volevamo che la storia riflettesse la trasformazione di Jin.

Dopotutto, precisa il direttore creativo, Jin è nato in una famiglia, con certe regole, ed è il motivo per cui tutti si aspettano determinate cose da lui. «Poi, a un certo punto, a causa di alcuni eventi che si verificano – la guerra, in questo caso – devi affrontare tutte queste aspettative. E non tutti apprezzeranno il fatto che metterai in discussione delle assunzioni su cui si è basata la tua intera esistenza.»





Quindi ci sarà un aspetto "etico" che inlfluenzerà il nostro rapporto con gli altri, ma non sarà una barra del Karma, sarà più come....



No non ci ho capito una fava :|

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Credo si riferisca alla dualità samurai/ninja e con quale dei 2 stili si affronterà l'avventura.


Come hanno detto varie volte, la via del samurai è vista come qualcosa che incarna l'onore, l'altra l'esatto opposto.

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Combat is very difficult

Even though we saw someone slicing through enemies in the State of Play, I assumed that this player was very skilled, and that the eventual gameplay will be way harder on us. Nate completely agreed with me. “We are trying to make a grounded game in that sense, so a couple blows from the enemy will kill you. The game is very challenging. We have three words to describe the combat: Mud, blood and steel. We absolutely honor the lethality of the sword. We watched samurai movies and people go down with one or two strikes, and that is embedded inside of the combat. Beating the Mongols in battle will be hard, but it’s that challenge that makes it feel alive and the victory rewarding. You can’t just run into a camp and fight 5 people at the same time, you will get overwhelmed and die.”


Engaging combat and succeeding won't be easy, and you probably have to use everything you got to win a fight, and most importantly play smart. Sucker Punch wants to honor this trait from old samurai movies, by introducing one-on-one stand-offs against other swordsman, that will prove to be very challenging. “One thing we didn’t show at State of Play which I wish we had, was that the game features duels against other expert swordsman. This is classic samurai stuff. Those fights are incredibly difficult and they’re driven from personality and get solved in the most cinematic way possible, which is also true to fantasy. You need to study your opponent and understand how they attack in order to win.”

The Island of Tsushima

“What you saw in the presentation was some side action in the game. It was not part of one's particular story. The map has Mongolians everywhere, and the main part will be Jin’s transformation from being a samurai to overtime becoming the Ghost. Next to that story you will meet people that try to survive in the world, with stories that will branch of off the main one. That is what the body of the game is made up off.”

“By not following Jin’s story and going after your curiosity, you will definitely become stronger than by just following Jin’s story in one line, but more importantly, you get a way more varied and interesting experience. There are all sorts of hidden stories and items you get acces to by following your curiosity. This is why we didn’t add markers on the map. We want you to get lost in Tsushima, that when you are heading to a hill, you suddenly hear a bird you think, maybe I will follow that instead. Just get lost from the one thing to the next, and we want to give you the tools and freedom to do that.”

“The map we showed at the State of Play was VERY zoomed in

“The map we showed during the State of Play was VERY zoomed in", Fox explains. "That was just a little portion of the starting area, the actual map is huge." Fox goes on to say that It’s the biggest thing they have ever done at Sucker Punch, and it’s also a lot more diverse. "Tsushima Island covers the biomes you can find on main land Japan, from snowy mountains to bamboo forests, to waterfalls and rolling grasslands, it’s all there." Even though the map is very big, Sucker Punch made sure it won't feel empty. "We want to give enough stuff to keep it electrifying for the player. We didn’t want to make a huge map and have nothing on it. So it’s packed with people, items and stories to explore.”



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“You can imagine the samurai armour, where it actually has the big Kamakura-era sleeves on the side,” Connell says. “That is going to be more useful for samurai fighting style, and maybe more defensive. You could take a hit, kind of thing. As you progress through the game and you become the Ghost, and you’re wearing the Ghost armour set, then that is going to be more for sneaking around, maybe you’re a little quieter. They can’t hear you sneaking up.


“So, we try to push those playstyles. And there was even another one that we actually showed, which I quite like a lot. He’s wearing it in the opening, the exploration section. So, if you have that one on, that one gives you perks towards exploration, finding things.”


“Because if you blanket the entire island with the same types of plants and trees everywhere, then it becomes incredibly visually fatiguing over time, right?” Connell asks. “You can’t play an entire game like that. Or you could, it’s just, I don’t think it would be very memorable.


So, the goal was for those teams to create little pockets of massive boldness and beauty. So, take a golden forest and make it incredibly gold, so you see it across the map. And take a bamboo forest, and don’t make it a tiny bamboo forest – make a massive bamboo forest, so it feels like you remember where the bamboo forest is. There are swamps, giant fields, and areas where there are red flowers everywhere, as far as you can see. We’ve shown snow. So, there are quite a few different biomes to create a visually dynamic experience.”


“Grass moves, bushes move, leaves move, birds move,” creative director Jason Connell tells me. “The cloth on your character, and everybody’s character, moves if it can. Hair moves. There’s just this massive undertaking from a technical side, but also the artistry to make it look good. And then implementing a design around that, a mechanic around that as well, that you can kind of control the wind and let it guide you.


“So, all those little details that, you know, ‘Oh my God, the back of his headband moves, or this string of his hair moves with the wind.’ Everything has this motion to it. I’m very proud of that, because I think that is a hard thing to do across an entire game, and the team has done such a great job.”



Apart from some areas gated off for story reasons, Tsushima is open for investigation. This can reveal side quests and resources, and like other accomplished open-world titles, Jin can engage in random encounters to further flesh out the experience. The game runs on a dynamic day, night, and weather system, and animals and encounters follow their own routines so they aren't locked into a time and place, giving a natural flow to events.


"Along the way," Fox says, "particularly as you go out there and explore Tsushima, you're going to meet all of these different people who are struggling to survive in this wartime environment. And all of those stories bring the invasion to life..."

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non ho visto lo state of play e quindi non mi posso essere fatto un'opinione riguardo al combat system, però a giudicare dai commenti direi che neanche chi l'ha visto ha le idee chiare :asd:

quello su cui sono ragionevolmente sicuro però è che il CS non sarà come quello di assassin's creed. chi sarebbe così pazzo da copiare un CS da sempre e da tutti definito brutto e che persino la ubisoft ha abbandonato ?

non credo che i ragazzi di suker punch siano dei completi ritardati.

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Curiosity is constantly rewarded,” Fox emphasised. “We want to make sure that as a player, should you decide to not follow the wind, to go off on your own and just explore, that your curiosity about a strange shaped tree or odd lake is rewarded with content.”


It can be “either something valuable to pick up, or a story to discover or maybe even a new weapon.”



We make sure that we have enough rewards that we can scatter them all throughout the island, to these places that feel special. And in doing that the player gets on this loop of saying, “Oh, I wonder what that is. There’s a fire on the hill.”


They go to that fire, they find Mongols torching a house. They deal with it and then they start riding down the hill, only to hear a bird trying to say, “Hey, you know that there’s something over here,” and they could choose to follow that bird.



“There is a feeling in the game that the island of Tsushima is trying to help Jin because Jin is helping the island of Tsushima.”


Also like the modern Assassin's Creed games or The Witcher 3, players won't have to worry about their horse dying. "Your horse is not gonna die. Your horse will get scared and run away. You may not be able to bring them back for a brief, brief moment, but nobody's gonna in combat, in gameplay, kill your horse," says Connell. There's also no hunting system in the game, where you kill deer, foxes, or bears for materials to make armor or items.



As your legend grows, you'll unlock new abilities, but the island itself will also react to your passing. Citizens will talk about you, become superstitious or scared of you, or thank you for fighting back. It's similar to the gameplay outcome of Infamous' mortality system—citizens commenting on your actions—but without hard binary choices between good and evil. Within the story, people close to Jin will begin to disapprove of his actions, or lead him further down this path. But for the Mongols, there's only one response: fear. As your legend grows, impressive feats in combat actually cause some enemies to run away.



He points to a sequence in the State of Play video when Jin is tiptoe-ing across a wooden platform on the side of a mountain, looking down on a yellow forest below. This is apparently one of the climbing challenges, where players have to figure out how to make their way up to a location. "There's apuzzle, and figuring out a way to climb up to the top. Sometimes that requires a grapple and sometimes it's just a climbing sequence," he explains.

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I made this topic to gather all the info on the game and so we have a place to discuss the game as well. This all from articles, interviews, videos and other things.



All of this was gather by @kostacurtas , @Kaiserstarky me and various other people





  • It’s an open-world samurai adventure.
  • The game is grounded and realistic. There's no supernatural elements in this game.
  • The game is a original work of fiction they are not rebuilding history stone by stone.
  • Ghost of Tsushima is huge – the biggest game Sucker Punch has ever made by a wide margin.
  • You can play the game with a Japanese voice track. Even with a cast of mostly native Japanese speakers, they still have a dialogue coach for the game for authentic ancient Japanese.
  • No branching narrative
  • The game launches July 17th
  • The Game does have a photomode
  • Ghost of Tsushima Has Multiple Difficulty Settings you can set the difficulty level to be not that challenging, or you can ratchet it up and make it very challenging
  • This isn’t going to be a UI heavy game
  • Swordplay and the horse is all mo-cap.
  • The composers of the game are Shigeru Umebayashi and Ilan Eshkeri
  • "The inclusion of ‘samurai cinema’ mode that pays homage to the films of old does not just add a black and white, film grain filter. It even intensifies weather effects together with the audio. It truly immerses the player into a cinematic experience."
  • The game is not a game about loot drops. It is a game about story and exploration

    • You can talk to people ,get on your horse or interact with something like a shrine with the R2 button
    • Apart from some areas gated off for story reasons, Tsushima is open for investigation
    • If you roll around a lot in the mud you will be completely cover. If it starts raining it washes away all the mud and blood
    • The flute you see Jin playing as a use in the game ,devs want say what its for yet
    • You can succeed in the game by just playing as the samurai as well, if you want.This will be extra challenging though
    • "Jin is a trained samurai and doesn’t forget his skills, so he has both the Samurai fighting skills, while he becomes better and better as the Ghost. It’s not binary, you can switch between the two styles as you like throughout the game. You start with great swordskills and that never goes away "
    • "There are some areas where the enemies are tougher. They are, you know, higher level, if you will. They will challenge you in a way that maybe you haven't seen yet. And that happens a couple of times throughout the game. "
    • They really want people to get lost in the grandeur of exploring this big island, so we don't really want to gate you constantly every hour every or every two hours, for example
    • "If you go on Jin’s journey from Samurai to Ghost, you’ll get access to some abilities and some weapon If you really want the full diversity of possibilities, you have to explore, you have to meet side characters, you have to go places that you know you’re not really even told exist.



    • There are hubs in the game. One in the State of Play demo. Jin is in this temple that’s surrounded by this golden foliage and there are a lot of people in there for you to talk to. There is more than just that one location,there are other places to discover and there’s alot of landscape as well.


    The Legend of Jin

    • "As your legend grows, the island itself will also react to your passing. Citizens will talk about you, become superstitious or scared of you, or thank you for fighting back."
    • "If you look in the State of Play, we have the map and in the top right corner. There's this thing that says, 'Legend of the Ghost'. This is your legend, as people have heard about this samurai warrior who has somehow taken out hundreds of these enemies."



    • Each area in the game has a different theme. That reflects to different stories and narrative themes for each area. The name of the area on the demo is "The forest of no return". Features betrayal stories with darker tone
    • There are quite a few different biomes to create a visually dynamic experience.
    • You will roam vast countrysides, explore billowing fields, and tranquil shrines to ancient forests, villages and stark mountainscapes,bamboo forests to the urban center of ornate castles , waterfalls, rolling grasslands, and swamps it’s all there.
    • The game has dynamic time of day and weather , we see snow, and rain areas so far
    • "The map we showed during the State of Play was VERY zoomed in"."That was just a little portion of the starting area, the actual map is huge."



    The Guiding Wind

    • You can use the wind as a guide which will point you toward an objective, The wind that points you in a direction. "It doesn't tell you how to get there, it just says, "It's over here."
    • "You can also use it to find hidden secrets. It tells you to go a certain way to try to find some rare collectible. There are multiple uses of it for discovery. "



    • You can craft thing in the game such as Bamboo and YEW with the R2 button
    • If you pick up those those flowers in the game, you can use them to change the colour of your armor. That’s an example of crafting
    • There's also no hunting system where you kill deer, foxes, or bears for materials to make armor or items
    • Other elements that you get from the world, you can use to improve your armour, change your weapons and make them better. Jins, always looking for anything you can find from the environment, to get an edge
      Side Quests/Side Activities
    • There are a lot of side stories in the game where you can build more or less strong relationships with different characters to learn more about their stories but it's up to the player's freedom and you may not find them all
    • Smoke Stacks indicate people that are in need of help
    • Not all quest will be combat related they could be helping somebody recover a loved one that's been taken by the Mongols, or a non combat ones like finding something that's just been lost while fleeing or looking for food, and so on.
    • Take down mongrel camps to increase your Legend and get items.
    • Jin can engage in random encounters to further flesh out the experience.
    • You can fine collectibles around the world
    • You can explore abandon buildings to find rare resources
    • Foxes will guide Jin to shrines or other secret places ,you can also pet them :)
    • Odd shape trees,Odd shape lakes could be a visual indication of a point of interest, it could be something valuable to pick up, a story to discover or even a weapon.
    • Some birds will lead Jin to points of interest such as hidden locations
    • Animals and encounters follow their own routines so they aren't locked into a time and place, giving a natural flow to events.
    • There are all sorts of hidden stories and items you get access to by following your curiosity
    • There are other things to do but the devs dont want to ruin them




    • Jins main mode of transport is his horse who name is Nobu ,you can call when you need him.
    • In combat your horse will get scared and run away. You may not be able to bring them back for a brief, brief moment, but nobody's gonna in combat, in gameplay, kill your horse ,you r horse will not die.
    • Jin can use the grappling hook to climb something, swing around mark spots or swing from trees.
    • Once you visited a location you can fast travel to it
    • There are a number of epic mountain shrine climbs that are unique puzzles and traversal challenges where players have to figure out how to make their way up to a location. "There's a puzzle, and figuring out a way to climb up to the top. Sometimes that requires a grapple and sometimes it's just a climbing sequence.
    • General Swordplay/Gameplay
      • The Square button swings your sword
      • The stances are new to Jin. He was raised by a samurai and taught to fight in a very traditional style. Jin can use many different stances so far we seen 2 which are the Stone Stance and the Water Stance, you must pick the right stance to do the most damage to the specific enemy types. NEW
      • You can parry enemies with the L1 button, you must wait until the last possible second to open them up for attack
      • Jin can deflect arrows with his sword
      • Jin can clean his sword with the press of a button
      • Jin can die just as quick as his enemies , a couple of blows can kill him NEW
      • The main weapon of the game will be his katana which uses throughout the game but there will be many other weapons and gadgets
      • The game definitely counters. If you have the patience and the skill to read what the enemy's going to do and then time it right, you can unleash a really devastating counterattack NEW
      • You can force the attack as well,It's not just a waiting game. It's a very skill-based experience NEW
      • As your legend grows, impressive feats in combat actually cause some enemies to run away. Fear can be really powerful as you grow your legend.



      Jin's Skill Tree/Learning Skills

      • As the game progresses and Jin's legendary status increases through the completion of mission objectives earning you technique points ."How you build out Jin's skill tree and utilize his combat skills is entirely up to you, and the tree also unlocks non-combat aspects such as being able to use a grappling hook to aid traversal.
      • Jin can find skills by exploring the island NEW
      • Some combat skills can be learned and adapted from enemies themselves. NEW


      Jin's Resolved Meter

      • The meter with the golden spheres is Jin's Resolve, he uses it too regain a little bit of health. Also, it's his grit to perform his most devastating attacks. These attacks drain him a little bit, so you have to make a tactical decision if you'd rather heal or really bring the fight
      • It seems you can press L1 and R1 with 3 golden orbs are lit up to do something not sure


      Samurai Gameplay

      • Jin will pay his respects to an enemy after battle



      Ghost/Assassin Gameplay

      • Jin can use wind chimes and fire crackers to distract enemies
      • He can sneak up behind someone and assassinate or assassinate them from above
      • He can do a chain assassination where he targets multiple enemies, you must press triangle for each one
      • Jin can use smoke bombs on enemies then go in for a critical strike. Smoke bombs can be used in two ways so far throwing at your feet or directly at the enemy.
      • Jin has another Assassination option call option Slaughter, they have not showed this one yet
      • Jin has atleast two more ninja tools we did not see
      • When Jin Stabs a enemy through a screen it is call a Shoji Assassination
      • Jin can perform a horseback Assassination
      • He can use kunai for a quick kill,he can target multiple enemies up to 3 so far


      Bow Gameplay

      • Jin seems to have atleast 4 types of arrows , Normal Arrows,Heavy Arrows and Fire arrows and looks like Explosive arrows
      • We seen 2 type of bows Half Bows and Long bows
      • Can zoom in with R3
      • "One of our designers kind of came up with a prototype for how arrows would work through physics in the world." NEW
      • You can invest alot of your technique points into growing archery if that the playstyle you want. NEW




      • Duels in the game is going to be very narrative base they want to build the tension, each duel will be around some unique element like the red tree
      • These fights are incredibly difficult and they’re driven from personality and get solved in the most cinematic way possible. You have to study the person you're dueling, how they attack, how they move, read attacks, counter, and then look for a window. These are the most challenging encounters you have in the game and it's just a one-on-one. NEW
      • The game has a number of duels NEW



      • Standoffs are about precise, minimal movements, and the gameplay and controls around standoffs are different than normal swordplay. He can challenge enemies to a stand off by pressing down on the D-Pad, where you must whole triangle and release it at the right time as the enemy attacks. NEW
      • Once regular melee starts, standoffs can't be initiated.



      • So far we seen a few types of human enemies, some with no armor, some in full armor, all have swords, swords and shield, spears, pikes and bows
      • Killing enemies will cause others to run away in fear
      • Enemies have a detection meter , and animals have their own as well
      • The game has animals that will attack you or others
      • Enemies have two color outlines so far, yellow means they are unaware or distracted, and red means they see you or you attack will make others aware
      • Sometimes enemies would drop their weapons and fall to the ground in fear
      • In general, the enemy A.I. attempts to coordinate its attacks, utilizing not only their numeric advantage, but their technological one as well – including gunpowder NEW
      • The lowest Mongol in our game can kill you very quickly, even when you're very advanced NEW






      • Armor in the game gives you different mechanical advantages and are not just cosmetic.
      • You can fine dye flowers in the game and use them to dye your armor
      • We seen several types of clothes and armor.
      • You can get get outfits in many different ways like through the main story,buying them from in the villages,doing quests or simply by exploring NEW
      • You can improve your armour and weapons by visiting vendors.NEW
      • The Ghost Armor makes you a little more quieter NEW
      • Wearing heavy armor like the Samurai armor gives you more defense but make you less agile making infiltration harder NEW
      • The Mino cape gives you perks towards exploration and finding stuff. NEW





      • As you explore the world you will find many different charms in the game that give you an advantage like, like a charm that release toxic gas that kills an enemy when they pick it up, or smoke bombs restore some of your health.
      • You get new charm slots by by honoring Inari Shrines



      • Simulated clouds. All dynamic, not painted, never going to be seen twice
      • Grass moves, bushes move, leaves move, birds move, The cloth on your character, and everybody’s character, moves if it can. Hair moves, everything has this motion to it NEW
      • Procedural skies and procedural sun break tech
      • "The goal was for those teams to create little pockets of massive boldness and beauty. So, take a golden forest and make it incredibly gold, so you see it across the map. And take a bamboo forest, and don’t make it a tiny bamboo forest – make a massive bamboo forest, so it feels like you remember where the bamboo forest is." NEW
      • "There are tons of leaves on the ground in some areas where you can kick them up with your feet. That’s a visual effects thing. There are cool blood splatters that happen in the world. There are leaves falling from all kinds of trees, and pampas grass tufts. We even used some particles for some animals that are in the distance, like the birds that are off in the distance, all of that’s particles "
      • "That's not an easy thing to do, have everything in your game react to wind if possible. About two years later, a year and a half later, the game had it. Everything was windy. There were trees moving, and grass moving, capes moving, and hair moving, and particles... it was insane. At that time we were realizing that the game was just stunning. It was very very pretty, even early."



      • "The UI is stripped back and dynamic. Your health bar appears when you unsheathe your sword and vanishes when you slide it away, and both of these actions are manually triggered."
      • "When exploring, a UI element pops up in the top left corner of the screen to tell you how far away from your objective you are, and it fades away after ten or so seconds. You call it back by asking the wind to guide you"
      • "There are some options in the menus to kind of customize it a little bit to make it a more minimal experience if you're wanting that.

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E niente, fatta la pazzia. Preordinato da MediaWorld a 59€ con ritiro e pagamento in negozio.

Sono sopra di 10€ rispetto al "salary cap" che ho imposto agli acquisti di videogiochi, ma questi 10€ li risparmio non bevendo i caffé* al bar e non comprando sigarette*. :sisi: Senza contare che a Sucker Punch dobbiamo (sicuramente devo) il primo grande gioco di questa generazione e quindi si meritano questo premio da parte mia. :birra:


*Il fatto che io non beva caffé e non abbia mai fumato non è assolutamente rilevante. :rolleyes:


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vediamo quanto questo si rivelerà un difetto :(


oddio... lo avesse detto Ubisoft mi preoccuperei... manche Ghost fosse più “grosso” di infamous avevo pochi dubbi eh...

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