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Ospite Utente cancellato 36

Si ma rullo di tamburi SENZA ONLINE ahahah Dio santo io veramente non ho parole o hanno nerfato le missioni specie le MN e UN o hanno dato una IA fortissima alla CPU se no sono implatinabili il 2 di sicuro il 3 con la falce etc.. è "fattibile" anche se stra tosta. Il primo invece ha roba tosta ma tutto SP.... Cmq vedremo a vg uscito... Certo che se lasciano roba che non si puo prendere ok i trofei chissene, pero esce rotta come la versione plus per vita implatinabile i due che lo hanno preso hanno usato un hack per i trofei confermato

Questo fa capire bene l’impegno profuso.


è una trilogia reskin con frame e res alzata nulla di più.

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Questo fa capire bene l’impegno profuso.


è una trilogia reskin con frame e res alzata nulla di più.

beh questo era palese no? Intendo res e fr cosa volevate? Per il resto concordo che manco li testano i giochi mi sa come pretendando uno faccia le missioni coop con la CPU, ma le han provate quanto siano impossibile gia al tempo con gente stra stra stra forte si sputava sangue con la CPU sono impossibili e basta anche per Dio sceso in terra col pad

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Ospite Utente cancellato 647

Lo dicevo che nn c era da essere così esaltati ...e NG4 nn lo faranno mai in più

ci vorrà ancora del tempo.

con questo "pseudo-remaster" tenteranno di finanziarsi, e poi si deciderà.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 647

No troppo impegnativo ...faranno remaster di Nioh all infinito

Nioh non è tutta 'sta roba..meritevole di remaster.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 647

Appunto ma l han già fatto e venduto...NG4 è un sogno come Bloodborne 2 e Metroid 4 con grafica Next

sogni che son desideri..citando la fatina di cenerentola.


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X City visto che a parte me è l'unico interessato a NG


We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.




Ok forse c'è una speranza allora che sia 2 che 3 siano platinabili in solo qui altro da un intervista




We put in Sigma for Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 simply because they are the final versions.

As for Ninja Gaiden Black and the original Ninja Gaiden 2, only pieces of their original data were still intact, and we couldn’t salvage them either. That’s also the reason why we chose Sigma.

There is Hero Mode in Sigma 1 and Sigma 2, so I feel like even those who are not good at action games can also clear them.

We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.

We prepared Version D because we thought Switch users wouldn’t like grotesque that much.

Online gameplay is not supported due to our development schedule and business side.

The strength levels of the weaker characters like Rachel, Ayane, and Momiji stay as-is.

We somehow fixed the issues pointed by harsh opinions for Ninja Gaiden 3 with Razor’s Edge. But one day, I want to have revenge with a sequel. Ancora




Full Translation of Famitsu Interview with Fumihiko Yasuda of Team Ninja


I was getting frustrated by the misinformation stemming from Team Ninja's abysmal communication with its PR teams, as well as some of the misinformation stemming from a "translation" of this interview that was going around here (which wasn't a translation of excerpts from the actual interview, but a translation of bullet points written by a blogger who read the interview).

So, since I live in Japan and know Japanese, I went out and bought the magazine and did a quick translation of the full interview. I hope this gives fans a clearer picture of this release and the circumstances surrounding this franchise. What I consider to be the most important/interesting information is in bold.

Q: The Master Collection marks the first entry in the Ninja Gaiden series in 9 years since NG3RE. How do you feel now that this announcement has been made?

A: Although they’re ports, I’m happy about it. I feel really sorry about making fans wait for so long. I was really surprised by how big the reaction was to the announcement — it exceeded my expectations

Q: What led to the decision to port these three titles, and what do you hope to accomplish with this collection?

A: The Ninja Gaiden series, along with the Dead or Alive series, is a flagship title for Team Ninja. However, we haven’t been able to release a Ninja Gaiden title on the generation of consoles that includes the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. This bothered me, and so I started the development [of this collection] just after we finished working on Nioh 2. This is the first PC release of the series, so we will be able to reach even more players. Also, we have new members of Team Ninja who grew up playing Ninja Gaiden, so I wanted to give them the chance to interact with Ninja Gaiden as developers.

Q: With regard to the titles in this collection, as a fan, I’m pleased by the decision to include 3RE over NG3.

A: 3 was the first title I worked on as director, and so I have a lot of memories working on it. But yeah, 3RE is definitely the one. [laughs]

Q: Sorry about that. [laughs] The first two titles are the Sigma versions. What is the reason for this?

A: To put it simply, they are the final versions, so that’s why we picked them. There is a lot of additional content, including additional playable characters. They also include content from the Vita Sigma Plus games, as well as other aspects that we weren’t able to fully optimize at the time, and so we are making thorough adjustments this time.

Q: As you probably know, there are fans who prefer BLACK and NG2.

A: Yes, I understand this is a controversial topic. 2 was the first title I worked on as a developer, so it’s important to me. But one reason we picked [sigma] is because the data from that time is fragmented and in such a state that we wouldn’t be able to salvage it even if we tried. However, when we developed Sigma Plus and Sigma 2 Plus, we gathered and organized as much of that data as possible, which is another reason why we went with Sigma.

Q: This collection is a port, so does that mean it isn’t a remaster?

A: The assets are generally the same, but the games support Full HD and 4K with stable, improved frame rates. There won’t be a drastic leap in visual fidelity, but they are remastered titles optimized for each hardware. For the PC version, there is no mouse and keyboard support and it will only be playable with a controller.

Q: Did you make any adjustments to game balance?

A: We are fixing some bugs and some unreasonable aspects of the games, but we are generally taking a hands-off approach. Hero Mode, which was introduced in 3, will be added to Sigma and Sigma 2. There were a lot of players who found the games too difficult and had trouble enjoying them, so I think this will allow players who aren’t good at action games to finish all 3 titles. We’ve also adjusted the difficulty of the tag missions to allow players to finish them by themselves.

Q: I’m happy to hear that. Are the depictions of violence also based on Sigma?

A: Yes. The depictions of violence remain the same. The Version D for Nintendo Switch contains adjustments only for 3RE. We did this because we thought Switch users aren’t fond of gore. We did this to allow as many players as possible to enjoy the games.

\This is where the interviewer should have followed up to confirm whether Yasuda meant the depictions of violence are the same as Sigma Plus, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.*

Q: The way you cut through bones is very grotesque. [laughs] The original versions supported online play, but these don’t, is that correct?

A: Unfortunately, this collection doesn’t support online play. I understand there are players who thoroughly enjoyed the co-op play, but the honest answer is that, because this includes three titles, we had to cut this out due to scheduling and business considerations. If we were to incorporate co-op play, the required labor would be comparable to that of working on a new title. However, other online functionalities, such as time attack rankings, will be supported.

Q: So players will compete with each other in the single player modes. In Sigma, you could do various things by shaking the controller. For example, you could power up ninpo or make the girls’ boobs jiggle.

A: Those were features unique to the Playstation 3 and its gyro sensor. Those were for Playstation 3, which is why they aren’t included in the collection. The ninpo will be powered up from the start. As for the boob jiggle mechanics, players who want to enjoy that can help themselves to those Venus Vacation games. [laughs]

Q: But Rachel isn’t in those games…. [laughs] Speaking of Rachel, she had a pretty weak impression in Sigma. Did you buff her or make her easier to use this time around?

A: No, she remains the same as in Sigma. She is power-oriented character, so although I understand she isn’t as agile, that’s part of her appeal. Momiji and Ayane from Sigma 2 also remain the same.

Q: Do you have any advice for new players to the series?

A: First, learn to guard. If you don’t, you will die very quickly. [laughs] However, this series has incredibly responsive controls, and so if you can master the controls, you can make Ryu Hayabusa fight in any way you please. Please enjoy the game while learning each and every action. There is also a rich variety of weapons at your disposal in all 3 games, so look for a weapon that suits you. If you aren’t good at action games, I recommend the hero mode.

Q: From your perspective, how do you regard each of these titles?

A: I wasn’t involved in the first game, but I heard its development was inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This might sound ludicrous, but there were apparently plans to even include fishing mechanics. [laughs] In the end, it became action-oriented, but you can still see the influence in the puzzles, jumping actions, and exploration elements.

Q: I want to see Ryu fishing. [laughs]

A: It might happen someday. [laughs] 2 featured a lot of dismemberment and obliteration techniques, making it an even more action-oriented game. As for 3, although it had its ups and downs, with 3RE we updated the mechanics and made it a more balanced, comprehensive title. What I can say about all three titles is that enemies are coming to kill you. They are tough.

Q: Yeah, one could consider the Ninja Gaiden games as one of the first masochistic games.

A: The sense of accomplishment you get from overcoming a challenge after numerous attempts is something we also incorporated in Nioh. When I look at [Ninja Gaiden] now, I’m shocked by the game’s speed and how it pulls you along. But that’s the appeal of these games.

Q: Speaking of Nioh, the Hayabusa clan, and even Muramasa, make an appearance.

A: Ryu’s ancestors, Ren and Jin Hayabusa make an appearance in those games. The truth is, when we were thinking about the sequel, we decided on their family names first and added their surnames later. And when we decided to include Senji Muramasa, we couldn’t think of anyone but that Muramasa. [laughs] That old man fits any time period, so we just included him as he was depicted [in Ninja Gaiden]. Perhaps he is an ancestor.

Q: What is your impression of each title when you look back on their development?

A: I only observed [the development] of Sigma, but I remember people working on it late into the night. I started getting involved in the series with 2, and I created the first stage Sky City Tokyo. I didn’t really know the ins and outs of making a stage at the time, and I remember having numerous discussions with other members. When I play it now, I think to myself, “I should have done this instead,” but I thought through that level a lot and can still remember where all the enemies appear. With 3, we changed direction and received a lot of criticism. We somewhat redeemed ourselves with 3RE, but I still regret that we didn’t create a new title that was able to meet expectations. I would like to redeem myself with a sequel one day.

Q: With the release of this collection, is there a possibility of a sequel?

A: I want to be optimistic about that possibility while looking at the response and results of this collection. If it becomes a hit, then the possibility of a sequel will be even more likely. To be honest, we haven’t even come up with a plan for a sequel, but our team talks often about what we would do if we were to create one. While developing 3RE, we were reminded of what this series needs, and we want to approach it with the full understanding of what a Ninja Gaiden game should be. It will also be necessary to let the game evolve so that it keeps up with the times and changes in action games. Pure action games have become hits in recent years, and there are more and more fans of action games, so I really want to bring Ninja Gaiden 4 to them. Ryu Hayabusa is really important to Team Ninja, and I think this collection will remind the world of his status as the world’s top ninja.

Q: By the way, there are fans who want Ryu to appear in a certain Smash Bros. Game.

A: I’m waiting for an invitation. [laughs]

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X City visto che a parte me è l'unico interessato a NG


We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.




Ok forse c'è una speranza allora che sia 2 che 3 siano platinabili in solo qui altro da un intervista




We put in Sigma for Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 simply because they are the final versions.

As for Ninja Gaiden Black and the original Ninja Gaiden 2, only pieces of their original data were still intact, and we couldn’t salvage them either. That’s also the reason why we chose Sigma.

There is Hero Mode in Sigma 1 and Sigma 2, so I feel like even those who are not good at action games can also clear them.

We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.

We prepared Version D because we thought Switch users wouldn’t like grotesque that much.

Online gameplay is not supported due to our development schedule and business side.

The strength levels of the weaker characters like Rachel, Ayane, and Momiji stay as-is.

We somehow fixed the issues pointed by harsh opinions for Ninja Gaiden 3 with Razor’s Edge. But one day, I want to have revenge with a sequel. Ancora




Full Translation of Famitsu Interview with Fumihiko Yasuda of Team Ninja


I was getting frustrated by the misinformation stemming from Team Ninja's abysmal communication with its PR teams, as well as some of the misinformation stemming from a "translation" of this interview that was going around here (which wasn't a translation of excerpts from the actual interview, but a translation of bullet points written by a blogger who read the interview).

So, since I live in Japan and know Japanese, I went out and bought the magazine and did a quick translation of the full interview. I hope this gives fans a clearer picture of this release and the circumstances surrounding this franchise. What I consider to be the most important/interesting information is in bold.

Q: The Master Collection marks the first entry in the Ninja Gaiden series in 9 years since NG3RE. How do you feel now that this announcement has been made?

A: Although they’re ports, I’m happy about it. I feel really sorry about making fans wait for so long. I was really surprised by how big the reaction was to the announcement — it exceeded my expectations

Q: What led to the decision to port these three titles, and what do you hope to accomplish with this collection?

A: The Ninja Gaiden series, along with the Dead or Alive series, is a flagship title for Team Ninja. However, we haven’t been able to release a Ninja Gaiden title on the generation of consoles that includes the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. This bothered me, and so I started the development [of this collection] just after we finished working on Nioh 2. This is the first PC release of the series, so we will be able to reach even more players. Also, we have new members of Team Ninja who grew up playing Ninja Gaiden, so I wanted to give them the chance to interact with Ninja Gaiden as developers.

Q: With regard to the titles in this collection, as a fan, I’m pleased by the decision to include 3RE over NG3.

A: 3 was the first title I worked on as director, and so I have a lot of memories working on it. But yeah, 3RE is definitely the one. [laughs]

Q: Sorry about that. [laughs] The first two titles are the Sigma versions. What is the reason for this?

A: To put it simply, they are the final versions, so that’s why we picked them. There is a lot of additional content, including additional playable characters. They also include content from the Vita Sigma Plus games, as well as other aspects that we weren’t able to fully optimize at the time, and so we are making thorough adjustments this time.

Q: As you probably know, there are fans who prefer BLACK and NG2.

A: Yes, I understand this is a controversial topic. 2 was the first title I worked on as a developer, so it’s important to me. But one reason we picked [sigma] is because the data from that time is fragmented and in such a state that we wouldn’t be able to salvage it even if we tried. However, when we developed Sigma Plus and Sigma 2 Plus, we gathered and organized as much of that data as possible, which is another reason why we went with Sigma.

Q: This collection is a port, so does that mean it isn’t a remaster?

A: The assets are generally the same, but the games support Full HD and 4K with stable, improved frame rates. There won’t be a drastic leap in visual fidelity, but they are remastered titles optimized for each hardware. For the PC version, there is no mouse and keyboard support and it will only be playable with a controller.

Q: Did you make any adjustments to game balance?

A: We are fixing some bugs and some unreasonable aspects of the games, but we are generally taking a hands-off approach. Hero Mode, which was introduced in 3, will be added to Sigma and Sigma 2. There were a lot of players who found the games too difficult and had trouble enjoying them, so I think this will allow players who aren’t good at action games to finish all 3 titles. We’ve also adjusted the difficulty of the tag missions to allow players to finish them by themselves.

Q: I’m happy to hear that. Are the depictions of violence also based on Sigma?

A: Yes. The depictions of violence remain the same. The Version D for Nintendo Switch contains adjustments only for 3RE. We did this because we thought Switch users aren’t fond of gore. We did this to allow as many players as possible to enjoy the games.

\This is where the interviewer should have followed up to confirm whether Yasuda meant the depictions of violence are the same as Sigma Plus, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.*

Q: The way you cut through bones is very grotesque. [laughs] The original versions supported online play, but these don’t, is that correct?

A: Unfortunately, this collection doesn’t support online play. I understand there are players who thoroughly enjoyed the co-op play, but the honest answer is that, because this includes three titles, we had to cut this out due to scheduling and business considerations. If we were to incorporate co-op play, the required labor would be comparable to that of working on a new title. However, other online functionalities, such as time attack rankings, will be supported.

Q: So players will compete with each other in the single player modes. In Sigma, you could do various things by shaking the controller. For example, you could power up ninpo or make the girls’ boobs jiggle.

A: Those were features unique to the Playstation 3 and its gyro sensor. Those were for Playstation 3, which is why they aren’t included in the collection. The ninpo will be powered up from the start. As for the boob jiggle mechanics, players who want to enjoy that can help themselves to those Venus Vacation games. [laughs]

Q: But Rachel isn’t in those games…. [laughs] Speaking of Rachel, she had a pretty weak impression in Sigma. Did you buff her or make her easier to use this time around?

A: No, she remains the same as in Sigma. She is power-oriented character, so although I understand she isn’t as agile, that’s part of her appeal. Momiji and Ayane from Sigma 2 also remain the same.

Q: Do you have any advice for new players to the series?

A: First, learn to guard. If you don’t, you will die very quickly. [laughs] However, this series has incredibly responsive controls, and so if you can master the controls, you can make Ryu Hayabusa fight in any way you please. Please enjoy the game while learning each and every action. There is also a rich variety of weapons at your disposal in all 3 games, so look for a weapon that suits you. If you aren’t good at action games, I recommend the hero mode.

Q: From your perspective, how do you regard each of these titles?

A: I wasn’t involved in the first game, but I heard its development was inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This might sound ludicrous, but there were apparently plans to even include fishing mechanics. [laughs] In the end, it became action-oriented, but you can still see the influence in the puzzles, jumping actions, and exploration elements.

Q: I want to see Ryu fishing. [laughs]

A: It might happen someday. [laughs] 2 featured a lot of dismemberment and obliteration techniques, making it an even more action-oriented game. As for 3, although it had its ups and downs, with 3RE we updated the mechanics and made it a more balanced, comprehensive title. What I can say about all three titles is that enemies are coming to kill you. They are tough.

Q: Yeah, one could consider the Ninja Gaiden games as one of the first masochistic games.

A: The sense of accomplishment you get from overcoming a challenge after numerous attempts is something we also incorporated in Nioh. When I look at [Ninja Gaiden] now, I’m shocked by the game’s speed and how it pulls you along. But that’s the appeal of these games.

Q: Speaking of Nioh, the Hayabusa clan, and even Muramasa, make an appearance.

A: Ryu’s ancestors, Ren and Jin Hayabusa make an appearance in those games. The truth is, when we were thinking about the sequel, we decided on their family names first and added their surnames later. And when we decided to include Senji Muramasa, we couldn’t think of anyone but that Muramasa. [laughs] That old man fits any time period, so we just included him as he was depicted [in Ninja Gaiden]. Perhaps he is an ancestor.

Q: What is your impression of each title when you look back on their development?

A: I only observed [the development] of Sigma, but I remember people working on it late into the night. I started getting involved in the series with 2, and I created the first stage Sky City Tokyo. I didn’t really know the ins and outs of making a stage at the time, and I remember having numerous discussions with other members. When I play it now, I think to myself, “I should have done this instead,” but I thought through that level a lot and can still remember where all the enemies appear. With 3, we changed direction and received a lot of criticism. We somewhat redeemed ourselves with 3RE, but I still regret that we didn’t create a new title that was able to meet expectations. I would like to redeem myself with a sequel one day.

Q: With the release of this collection, is there a possibility of a sequel?

A: I want to be optimistic about that possibility while looking at the response and results of this collection. If it becomes a hit, then the possibility of a sequel will be even more likely. To be honest, we haven’t even come up with a plan for a sequel, but our team talks often about what we would do if we were to create one. While developing 3RE, we were reminded of what this series needs, and we want to approach it with the full understanding of what a Ninja Gaiden game should be. It will also be necessary to let the game evolve so that it keeps up with the times and changes in action games. Pure action games have become hits in recent years, and there are more and more fans of action games, so I really want to bring Ninja Gaiden 4 to them. Ryu Hayabusa is really important to Team Ninja, and I think this collection will remind the world of his status as the world’s top ninja.

Q: By the way, there are fans who want Ryu to appear in a certain Smash Bros. Game.

A: I’m waiting for an invitation. [laughs]

neme ma infatti io sta cosa ancora non l'ho capita, ma sono platinabili si o no? che problema c'è nei giochi?

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neme ma infatti io sta cosa ancora non l'ho capita, ma sono platinabili si o no? che problema c'è nei giochi?

Se come hanno detto hanno rimaneggiato la diff. delle missioni coop e quindi puoi batterle anche con la CPU si , se no è IMPOSSIBILE anche se sei Dio sceso sulla Terra. Semplicemente erano fattibili solo online in due STRAFORTI.

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Neme io lo avrei preso , ma almeno un cazzo di Remake col motore di Nioh , sempre poco , ma qui impegno Zero...poi dopo aver detto che NG4 nn è nei loro piani si fottano

Se c'è interesse lo fanno invece il 4. Se vende benino questa collection un messaggio glielo danno

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X City visto che a parte me è l'unico interessato a NG


We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.




Ok forse c'è una speranza allora che sia 2 che 3 siano platinabili in solo qui altro da un intervista




We put in Sigma for Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 simply because they are the final versions.

As for Ninja Gaiden Black and the original Ninja Gaiden 2, only pieces of their original data were still intact, and we couldn’t salvage them either. That’s also the reason why we chose Sigma.

There is Hero Mode in Sigma 1 and Sigma 2, so I feel like even those who are not good at action games can also clear them.

We adjusted the difficulty level so that one player can also clear tag missions.

We prepared Version D because we thought Switch users wouldn’t like grotesque that much.

Online gameplay is not supported due to our development schedule and business side.

The strength levels of the weaker characters like Rachel, Ayane, and Momiji stay as-is.

We somehow fixed the issues pointed by harsh opinions for Ninja Gaiden 3 with Razor’s Edge. But one day, I want to have revenge with a sequel. Ancora




Full Translation of Famitsu Interview with Fumihiko Yasuda of Team Ninja


I was getting frustrated by the misinformation stemming from Team Ninja's abysmal communication with its PR teams, as well as some of the misinformation stemming from a "translation" of this interview that was going around here (which wasn't a translation of excerpts from the actual interview, but a translation of bullet points written by a blogger who read the interview).

So, since I live in Japan and know Japanese, I went out and bought the magazine and did a quick translation of the full interview. I hope this gives fans a clearer picture of this release and the circumstances surrounding this franchise. What I consider to be the most important/interesting information is in bold.

Q: The Master Collection marks the first entry in the Ninja Gaiden series in 9 years since NG3RE. How do you feel now that this announcement has been made?

A: Although they’re ports, I’m happy about it. I feel really sorry about making fans wait for so long. I was really surprised by how big the reaction was to the announcement — it exceeded my expectations

Q: What led to the decision to port these three titles, and what do you hope to accomplish with this collection?

A: The Ninja Gaiden series, along with the Dead or Alive series, is a flagship title for Team Ninja. However, we haven’t been able to release a Ninja Gaiden title on the generation of consoles that includes the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. This bothered me, and so I started the development [of this collection] just after we finished working on Nioh 2. This is the first PC release of the series, so we will be able to reach even more players. Also, we have new members of Team Ninja who grew up playing Ninja Gaiden, so I wanted to give them the chance to interact with Ninja Gaiden as developers.

Q: With regard to the titles in this collection, as a fan, I’m pleased by the decision to include 3RE over NG3.

A: 3 was the first title I worked on as director, and so I have a lot of memories working on it. But yeah, 3RE is definitely the one. [laughs]

Q: Sorry about that. [laughs] The first two titles are the Sigma versions. What is the reason for this?

A: To put it simply, they are the final versions, so that’s why we picked them. There is a lot of additional content, including additional playable characters. They also include content from the Vita Sigma Plus games, as well as other aspects that we weren’t able to fully optimize at the time, and so we are making thorough adjustments this time.

Q: As you probably know, there are fans who prefer BLACK and NG2.

A: Yes, I understand this is a controversial topic. 2 was the first title I worked on as a developer, so it’s important to me. But one reason we picked [sigma] is because the data from that time is fragmented and in such a state that we wouldn’t be able to salvage it even if we tried. However, when we developed Sigma Plus and Sigma 2 Plus, we gathered and organized as much of that data as possible, which is another reason why we went with Sigma.

Q: This collection is a port, so does that mean it isn’t a remaster?

A: The assets are generally the same, but the games support Full HD and 4K with stable, improved frame rates. There won’t be a drastic leap in visual fidelity, but they are remastered titles optimized for each hardware. For the PC version, there is no mouse and keyboard support and it will only be playable with a controller.

Q: Did you make any adjustments to game balance?

A: We are fixing some bugs and some unreasonable aspects of the games, but we are generally taking a hands-off approach. Hero Mode, which was introduced in 3, will be added to Sigma and Sigma 2. There were a lot of players who found the games too difficult and had trouble enjoying them, so I think this will allow players who aren’t good at action games to finish all 3 titles. We’ve also adjusted the difficulty of the tag missions to allow players to finish them by themselves.

Q: I’m happy to hear that. Are the depictions of violence also based on Sigma?

A: Yes. The depictions of violence remain the same. The Version D for Nintendo Switch contains adjustments only for 3RE. We did this because we thought Switch users aren’t fond of gore. We did this to allow as many players as possible to enjoy the games.

\This is where the interviewer should have followed up to confirm whether Yasuda meant the depictions of violence are the same as Sigma Plus, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.*

Q: The way you cut through bones is very grotesque. [laughs] The original versions supported online play, but these don’t, is that correct?

A: Unfortunately, this collection doesn’t support online play. I understand there are players who thoroughly enjoyed the co-op play, but the honest answer is that, because this includes three titles, we had to cut this out due to scheduling and business considerations. If we were to incorporate co-op play, the required labor would be comparable to that of working on a new title. However, other online functionalities, such as time attack rankings, will be supported.

Q: So players will compete with each other in the single player modes. In Sigma, you could do various things by shaking the controller. For example, you could power up ninpo or make the girls’ boobs jiggle.

A: Those were features unique to the Playstation 3 and its gyro sensor. Those were for Playstation 3, which is why they aren’t included in the collection. The ninpo will be powered up from the start. As for the boob jiggle mechanics, players who want to enjoy that can help themselves to those Venus Vacation games. [laughs]

Q: But Rachel isn’t in those games…. [laughs] Speaking of Rachel, she had a pretty weak impression in Sigma. Did you buff her or make her easier to use this time around?

A: No, she remains the same as in Sigma. She is power-oriented character, so although I understand she isn’t as agile, that’s part of her appeal. Momiji and Ayane from Sigma 2 also remain the same.

Q: Do you have any advice for new players to the series?

A: First, learn to guard. If you don’t, you will die very quickly. [laughs] However, this series has incredibly responsive controls, and so if you can master the controls, you can make Ryu Hayabusa fight in any way you please. Please enjoy the game while learning each and every action. There is also a rich variety of weapons at your disposal in all 3 games, so look for a weapon that suits you. If you aren’t good at action games, I recommend the hero mode.

Q: From your perspective, how do you regard each of these titles?

A: I wasn’t involved in the first game, but I heard its development was inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This might sound ludicrous, but there were apparently plans to even include fishing mechanics. [laughs] In the end, it became action-oriented, but you can still see the influence in the puzzles, jumping actions, and exploration elements.

Q: I want to see Ryu fishing. [laughs]

A: It might happen someday. [laughs] 2 featured a lot of dismemberment and obliteration techniques, making it an even more action-oriented game. As for 3, although it had its ups and downs, with 3RE we updated the mechanics and made it a more balanced, comprehensive title. What I can say about all three titles is that enemies are coming to kill you. They are tough.

Q: Yeah, one could consider the Ninja Gaiden games as one of the first masochistic games.

A: The sense of accomplishment you get from overcoming a challenge after numerous attempts is something we also incorporated in Nioh. When I look at [Ninja Gaiden] now, I’m shocked by the game’s speed and how it pulls you along. But that’s the appeal of these games.

Q: Speaking of Nioh, the Hayabusa clan, and even Muramasa, make an appearance.

A: Ryu’s ancestors, Ren and Jin Hayabusa make an appearance in those games. The truth is, when we were thinking about the sequel, we decided on their family names first and added their surnames later. And when we decided to include Senji Muramasa, we couldn’t think of anyone but that Muramasa. [laughs] That old man fits any time period, so we just included him as he was depicted [in Ninja Gaiden]. Perhaps he is an ancestor.

Q: What is your impression of each title when you look back on their development?

A: I only observed [the development] of Sigma, but I remember people working on it late into the night. I started getting involved in the series with 2, and I created the first stage Sky City Tokyo. I didn’t really know the ins and outs of making a stage at the time, and I remember having numerous discussions with other members. When I play it now, I think to myself, “I should have done this instead,” but I thought through that level a lot and can still remember where all the enemies appear. With 3, we changed direction and received a lot of criticism. We somewhat redeemed ourselves with 3RE, but I still regret that we didn’t create a new title that was able to meet expectations. I would like to redeem myself with a sequel one day.

Q: With the release of this collection, is there a possibility of a sequel?

A: I want to be optimistic about that possibility while looking at the response and results of this collection. If it becomes a hit, then the possibility of a sequel will be even more likely. To be honest, we haven’t even come up with a plan for a sequel, but our team talks often about what we would do if we were to create one. While developing 3RE, we were reminded of what this series needs, and we want to approach it with the full understanding of what a Ninja Gaiden game should be. It will also be necessary to let the game evolve so that it keeps up with the times and changes in action games. Pure action games have become hits in recent years, and there are more and more fans of action games, so I really want to bring Ninja Gaiden 4 to them. Ryu Hayabusa is really important to Team Ninja, and I think this collection will remind the world of his status as the world’s top ninja.

Q: By the way, there are fans who want Ryu to appear in a certain Smash Bros. Game.

A: I’m waiting for an invitation. [laughs]



Fortuna ci hanno pensato a tarare la difficoltà in modo che sia fattibile senza coop.

Direi che è il meglio che ci si potesse aspettare, con l'online finalemente fuori dai piedi :D


Il problema è che visto che vorrei prenderl ofisico, dovrei andare di versione jp, e con l'import chissà quando si troverà a prezzi decenti.


Però porca miseria siamo ancora in alto mare per NG4 :(

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Io vado di DD e via anche se mi rode pure a me il culo, il retail lo volevo proprio da tenere in collezione argh pero' non posso saltare il day one ho veramente fame di NG, famissima, fame NERA :D il 4 se imho vende benino questa lo faranno prima o poi sondano un po il terreno... Io di mio per 40€ vado di stra day one
  • Haha 1
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Se c'è interesse lo fanno invece il 4. Se vende benino questa collection un messaggio glielo danno

Ma il tipo a capo a domanda chiara ha risposto che NG4 nn è assolutamente nei piani di Tecmo......


@ Neme stai giocando Immortal Cina...??? È uno spettacolo in caso nn avessi il DLC

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Ma il tipo a capo a domanda chiara ha risposto che NG4 nn è assolutamente nei piani di Tecmo......


@ Neme stai giocando Immortal Cina...??? È uno spettacolo in caso nn avessi il DLC

E vabbeh godiamoci sta collection anche se cmq dici anche quest Pure action games have become hits in recent years, and there are more and more fans of action games, so I really want to bring Ninja Gaiden 4 to them quindi per me arriva non nel breve ma arriva. Immo aspetto un drop del season pass... Non vedo l'ora ma 40€ proprio no contando ho pagato il gioco nuovo 20€ lo prendo sui 20-25€ ho visto sono usciti anche i trofei per l'ultimo quindi uscira penso a breve ottimo cosi si fanno le release dei DLC non mesi dopo

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Io vado di DD e via anche se mi rode pure a me il culo, il retail lo volevo proprio da tenere in collezione argh pero' non posso saltare il day one ho veramente fame di NG, famissima, fame NERA :D il 4 se imho vende benino questa lo faranno prima o poi sondano un po il terreno... Io di mio per 40€ vado di stra day one


ho visto su playasia ce l'hanno a 35 euri, non ricordo quanto viene di spedizione però visto che compro pochissimo da loro.

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E vabbeh godiamoci sta collection anche se cmq dici anche quest Pure action games have become hits in recent years, and there are more and more fans of action games, so I really want to bring Ninja Gaiden 4 to them quindi per me arriva non nel breve ma arriva. Immo aspetto un drop del season pass... Non vedo l'ora ma 40€ proprio no contando ho pagato il gioco nuovo 20€ lo prendo sui 20-25€ ho visto sono usciti anche i trofei per l'ultimo quindi uscira penso a breve ottimo cosi si fanno le release dei DLC non mesi dopo

Il primo son tutti puzzle ostici e lunghetti...qst secondo sulla Cina è Immortal in miniatura con enigmi e giochi nuovi , 2 aree grosse e soprattutto han modificato il combat del pg ! Fantastico ora ...e aumentato la difficoltà dei nemici...nn mi aspettavo un combat più agile e responsivo, in più c è un counter alla DMC che più lo riempi più le stesse mosse lo riempi tutto diventi Ryu....Voglio il 2 con sto combat ancora più evoluto...poi gli enigmi nuovi e dangeoun....troppo bello, e manca l ultimo, l isola d oro rifatta tutta con gameplay isometrico! Sto DLC vale come un gioco

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