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[TOPIC PRE-RELEASE] Ghost of Tsushima - 17 Luglio


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Se non erro sto tema fu già dato eoni fa, stanno riciclando roba per marketing:asd:


Si nel video lo dicono ma io me lo ero completamente perso all’epoca

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Ma magari, un gioco bello e divertente come days gone ci metterei la firma 4 volte.


Inviato dal mio MAR-LX1A utilizzando Tapatalk


Days gone ha un meta di quanto, 70?75?Manco mi ricordo.


Ma l'ho platinato con piacere, mai una palla da giocare (tutt'altro, uno dei ow più divertenti in giro) e secondo me Tsushima sarà dello stesso stampo, ovvero gioco molto bello, molto divertente, cs tecnico ma non così punitivo come in Sekiro, ambientazioni e grafica wow, direzione artistica uber, classiche attività da ow come fetch quest però lode alle quest mitiche che saranno fighe e trama e Jin.


85 di meta:sisi:

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Confido la mia poca fiducia sul titolo, non mi ha mai preso fino in fondo, oggi mi aspetto qualcosa oscillante tra il 75-78, nulla di piu’ nulla di meno.


Anche io avevo poca fiducia, però boh: piano piano mi è salito l'interesse e oggi l'ho preso su Amazon. :asd:


Per quanto riguarda il toto-review, non credo che andrà oltre l'80/83. Mi stupirei del contrario. :sisi:

  • Haha 1
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Ma magari, un gioco bello e divertente come days gone ci metterei la firma 4 volte.


Inviato dal mio MAR-LX1A utilizzando Tapatalk

Ma magari, ci metterei la firma col sangue, il problema e’ che Days Gone mi prese fin da subito e i vari video che rilasciavano mostravano una serie di meccaniche che me lo rendevano interessante... Ghost boh, ripeto spero siano stati poco bravi i SP nel marketing, e’ la mia unica speranza.


Per quanto riguarda il toto-review, non credo che andrà oltre l'80/83.

Sarebbe un ottimo meta per quanto mi riguarda, magari fosse.

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(9.5/10) (Review in Hebrew, excerpt was machine-translated, tag/DM me if a better translation can be offered):


Ghost of Tsushima is another great open-world game from Sucker Punch.


While the battle system can be a bit stiff and would have benefited more from enemy variety and depth, it is still an amazing game in terms of gameplay, visuals, and story with a busy and lively world which serves as the biggest attraction of the game with each mission and place that feels important and interesting. Ghost of Tsushima is the ultimate samurai game, and closes the generation in a big way.

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(You can believe me or not)

But here is a reviewer (a friend of mine) talked about the game, and he is exploring half of the island at this point:

+ Combat is really great, he compare it to a lighter version of Sekiro. Easy to play but difficult to master.

+ He is playing on hard difficult, also the difficult is just right.

+ Sekiro Island is huge and tons of things to explore. There are puzzles as well.

+ There are many hidden mechanics & skills that really surprise him.

+ One of the best openworld since TW3 in term of gameplay overall.

+ Side quests are really good.

+ Main story & story telling is really superb.

+ Graphic is amazing, one of the best of PS4 era.

+ The control is tight, responsive and he said the overall animation is good. No jump spam button like HZD though (haha).


Edit: He mentioned something about Onsen bathing.


Overall til now, he has a blast with GOT and really addicted to it. (Ofcourse you can choose to believe it or not is totally okay). Just what I heard though.

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Datemelo ora:nerdsaw:



Il CS pare godibilissimo era il mio grande dubbio.


(You can believe me or not)

But here is a reviewer (a friend of mine) talked about the game, and he is exploring half of the island at this point:

+ Combat is really great, he compare it to a lighter version of Sekiro. Easy to play but difficult to master.

+ He is playing on hard difficult, also the difficult is just right.

+ Sekiro Island is huge and tons of things to explore. There are puzzles as well.

+ There are many hidden mechanics & skills that really surprise him.

+ One of the best openworld since TW3 in term of gameplay overall.

+ Side quests are really good.

+ Main story & story telling is really superb.

+ Graphic is amazing, one of the best of PS4 era.

+ The control is tight, responsive and he said the overall animation is good. No jump spam button like HZD though (haha).


Edit: He mentioned something about Onsen bathing.


Overall til now, he has a blast with GOT and really addicted to it. (Ofcourse you can choose to believe it or not is totally okay). Just what I heard though.

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A livello di Meta mi aspetto prenda qualcosa in più di DAYS GONE; ma parliamo solo di Metascore, perchè il gioco dei Bend Studios mi è piaciuto molto, l'ho giocato tutto di un fiato; è stato veramente divertente. In ogni caso Ghost potrò giocarlo tra un po', sto in alto mare con TLOU.
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