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[TOPIC UFFICIALE] Half Life: Alyx | Recensioni


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Developer: Valve

Genere: FPS, VR

Piattaforme: PC

Uscita: 23 marzo 2020














The fight against the Combine begins

Set between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Alyx Vance and her father Eli mount an early resistance to the Combine's brutal occupation of Earth.

The loss of the Seven-Hour War is still fresh. In the shadow of a rising Combine fortress known as the Citadel, residents of City 17 learn to live under the rule of their invaders. But among this scattered population are two of Earth's most resourceful scientists: Dr. Eli Vance and his daughter Alyx, the founders of a fledgling resistance.


You are Alyx Vance, and you’re about to spark a revolution

You and your father were relocated to City 17. In the years since, you've continued your clandestine scientific activity—performing critical research, and building invaluable tools for the few humans brave enough to defy the Combine.

Every day you learn more about your enemy, and every day you work toward finding a weakness.


A full-length game built from the ground up for virtual reality

Lean around a broken wall and under a barnacle to make an impossible shot. Rummage through shelves to find a healing syringe and some shotgun shells. Manipulate tools to hack alien interfaces. Tear a headcrab off your face and throw it out the window. VR was built for the kind of gameplay that sits at the heart of Half-Life.

Half-Life: Alyx supports a variety of play environments, locomotion methods, and input devices.



Modificato da Aquan
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IGN, DualShockers e VGC hanno dato a Half-Life: Alyx un sonoro 100, parlando di un gioco rivoluzionario che setta nuovi standard per la VR.


Sul 9 si assestano USGamer, GamesRadar+, PCGamesN, GameSpot, Shacknews, Trusted Reviews e Destructoid, entusiasti dell'esperienza di gioco e speranzosi che d'ora in poi Valve possa riprendere a sviluppare nuovi giochi, senza per forza fermarsi prima del terzo capitolo.


Leggermente più critica GamesBeat con 80: "si tratta di un'esperienza incredibile. Solo che è una nella quale non voglio essere immerso in questo esatto momento." Una spiegazione a dir poco curiosa che temiamo attirerà qualche critica.


Senza voto Kotaku, e Polygon, ma tutte e tre le testate sono entusiaste del lavoro di Valve. Potete trovare tutte le recensione come da tradizione su Metacritic.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 61

Ehhh lo so. Ma ragazzi dovete trovare il modo di provarlo... Almeno una volta nella vita..

Se uscirà su console in futuro naturalmente. Ho giocato i due half Life e piacerebbe giocarmi pure questo senza spendere un rene😁

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Ospite Utente cancellato 61

Ho visto i primi 8 minuti non ce la faccio a vederlo tutto è troppo bello😭 Candidato a goty e nn ho visto una mazza 😂

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Ospite Utente cancellato 36

"I am absolutely fucking blown away. Been playing for past 3 hours straight. It is incredible. It's doing almost as much for vr as hl2 did for fps and valve makes it look easy. Boneworks is clunky trash in conparison"


"This is fucking amazing. Firstly. A GIANT fuck off to videos of this game. It's soooo many magnitudes more impressive in VR it's not even close. Even more so than other VR games."


"I am stunned by just the opening scene watching over City 17 and messing around. I have had a huge smile on my face and laughing at watching the people below on the streets. The sense of presence in this game is off the charts. I think the graphical fidelity combined with most objects reacting how you would expect really come together to make this happen. Movement feels better than in any other VR game I've played, too."


"Played about 30 minutes and can't wait to get back in, but can't be in VR at the moment. Holy shit, man... this is transformative and I don't use that lightly. It feels like the first truly well thought out full VR game (that I've played at least). Not gimmicky in the slightest and everything just works so damn well."


"omfg it's glorious, from the first 10 seconds of crushing cans to the holy shit strider moment"



"Only played 20 minutes and am majorly impressed."

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E c'era pure gente scettica.


Bastava il primissimo video rilasciato per farsi i segoni a due mani.


Ovviamente non potrò mai giocarlo, ma solo sapere che un titolo del genere esiste mi rende felice.

Queste sono le robe che settano gli standard, altro che l'ennesimo open world.

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Ospite Utente cancellato 137


Queste sono le robe che settano gli standard, altro che l'ennesimo open world.


ma... ma le mie esperienze cinematografiche sentimentali con parental bonding e abuso di minori... :(

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