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Shadow of Conspiracy


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This is a unique, third- and first-person action role-playing game; a deep, cinematic detective thriller that takes place in a dark future vision of Berlin. This open world cyberpunk game is about justice, friendship, love, guilt and betrayal, combining the best elements of science fiction in a way that has never been experienced before and offering an incomparable genre mix, a breath of fresh air for all players looking for something completely new.


We are a small Indie studio from Berlin (only 5 people in our office) who have created this prototype gameplay in a short amount of time. We have a low budget, but infinite passion! What you have seen in the gameplay reveal trailer (which only consists of real gameplay) is just a fragment of our vision. But imagine what we could achieve if we were 50 or 100 people with a AAA budget, and a publisher who gives us creative freedom: A game that is unlike anything you have ever seen before.



Demo realizzata in 6 mesi da manco 10 persone, sono alla ricerca di qualcuno che li compri e vogliono crescere.

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Demo realizzata in 6 mesi da manco 10 persone, sono alla ricerca di qualcuno che li compri e vogliono crescere.

Si possono fare comprare dai blackbox studios. Dicono si vogliono ampliare per fare uscire finalmente abandoned:sisi:

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