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  1. Final Fantasy XVI will not be Openworld: The game will divide up its regions into more contained areas, some larger and some smaller. You can explore the world along the way, there will be sidequests, hunts ecc... However, the focus will be on the story that proceeds at roller-coaster speed. "To bring a story that feels like it spans an entire globe and beyond, we decided to avoid an open world design that limits us to a single open world space, and instead focus on an independent area-based game design that can give players a better feel of a truly 'global' scale." The story will have 2 timeskips: We follow the life of Clive Rossville through three different stages: his teens, his 20s, and his 30s. And because we're covering such a large amount of time with those jumps, it's safe to say that a lot will be happening in the background with regards to the state of the realm. We also will have these in-game compendiums, and a lot of stuff to read in-game that will hopefully help provide a lot of the lore to those people who wish to delve deeper into the game world''. Final Fantasy XVI will not be a multimedia project: There are no plans to create anything extra game. No movies, anime ecc... Development team is currently working really hard to make the final release of the game a complete experience so that no other tertiary content will be required to enjoy or understand it. Party Confirmed (AI-driven): We have not abandoned the parties. In the course of his journey through the lands of Valisthea, Clive will be joined by several allies, each with their own story arc, personal histories, and a narrative that, in dialogue after dialogue and mission after mission, will play an important role in the events narrated and in getting to know Valisthea. That said, the party members will be AI-driven so as to allow players to focus solely on controlling Clive". P.S The Puppy of the very first trailer is more a wolf than a dog, his name is 'Torgal e he may be a party member too. The Eikon vs Eikon battles will each be completely unique & won't use the same exact system twice: For example, maybe one Eikon versus Eikon battle will be reminiscent of a 3D shooter. Whereas another Eikon versus a different Eikon, it’s more like a pro wrestling match, and then maybe even a third with one Eikon versus another Eikon will transform an entire area into a battlefield. These confrontations will not feel like simple cinematic interlude scenes, but will seamlessly switch between action, combat, dialogue and cinematics, without any interruption or loading. Final Fantasy XVI will be the first mature rated numbered FF title: This decision was made so that we could tell the story we wanted, without being forced to change things to fit a younger rating. But again, this is not because we simply wanted to make the game more violent or the game more explicit, this is because we felt it was necessary to allow us to explore those more mature themes that the game tackles. New Trailer in Autumn: While we just released our second trailer, we're currently already working on readying a third trailer for release this fall. In that trailer, we hope to concentrate a little bit more on the world and the lore and the storyline, and hopefully bring a little bit more of that information to players, showing what the story is going to be like, what the narrative is going to be like, and how that's going
  2. I siti stanno svalvolando e notano solo ora robe oldissime. Quella pagina c'è da gennaio
  3. Ma scusate neanche in privato via pm? Io ho provato a cercarci sia questo che ratchet ma non trovo niente. Perchè sti direct feed non escono da li diffondendosi come altri leak? Cioè possibile che globalmente nessuno abbia scaricato questi video e semplicemente riuppati su normali servizi di hosting fuori dal deep?
  4. Si segnala che Dying Light 2, a differenza del primo, non sarà doppiato in italiano
  5. Ma si può fare anche a custodia aperta e dopo 8 giorni dall'arrivo? Da quello che sapevo per i videogiochi su amazon puoi restituirli solo se non sono stati aperti.
  6. Non c'è alcuna CPU. Da come ne parlano se giochi in single sei solo e gli altri compagni so alla base. Se giochi in coop magari lo fai probabilmente per affrontare i nemici durante le missioni e stop. Bisogna ancora capire come funge, per dire durante le esplorazioni dubito che diano il permesso al tuo compagno di fregarti i collezionabili, sbloccare roba sulla mappa ecc.... Non avrebbe senso. In caso di puzzle ambientali ecc immagino che uno starà bono ad aspettare visto che alla fine si risolvono in pochi secondi.
  7. Usciti dettagli importantissimi sulla gestione narrativa dei personaggi, struttura del gioco e città: Qua alcuni punti chiave e più sotto i dettagli: - Non è un GAAS. - Freeflow abbandonato in favore di qualcosa più in linea agli action in terza persona moderni. - Non ci sono missioni legate obbligatoriamente a un personaggio specifico. - Si può fare qualsiasi cosa con tutti e 4 ed è possibile pure completare il gioco senza cambiare mai personaggio. - Si può cambiare personaggio quando si vuole tornando alla base. - La storia è la stessa per tutti e 4 ma le interazioni con i vari personaggi, NPC ecc... varieranno un minimo per adattarsi al carattere del protagonista utilizzato in quel momento e al rapporto che c'è rispetto agli altri. - Il gioco sarà ambientanto durante tante notti. Di giorno si resta alla base. - Hanno limitato la coop a 2 perchè il gioco rimane principalmente concentrato su una struttura in singolo e farlo a 4 avrebbe appunto costretto un level design pensato maggiormente alla coop che avrebbe stonato in singolo. - Città popolata e ultra dinamica con un ecosistema vivente di cittatini, criminali e polizia. - Hud super customizzaibile con possibilità di disattivare le barre vitali, esperienza, il numero di danni inflitti ecc.... Speriamo bene, devono davvero impegnarsi un botto altrimenti temo che troppa libertà inficerà negativamente sui risvolti narrativi, momenti cinematici, interazione tra i personaggie ecc.... I guess structurally, is it similar to older Batman games, where you're going to points to find quest markers and then the story beat plays out and then you go to another point and solve a thing? Or is it more traditionally like Witcher style with quest givers? Redding: Well, comparing ourselves to Witcher is probably a … don't do that situation. But what I'd say is it's not what I would call the oatmeal chocolate chip cookie model of just go here and then trigger that. I mean, it's a living breathing ecosystem that supports a robust set of crimes out in the open world that could be committed by different factions, under different circumstances, with different objectives and goals. And your ability to go in and disrupt that night after night is also what's helping to [shape the city] ... You're completing certain challenges and doing things for NPCs, all these things that are going to ultimately lead you to, in some cases, another major piece of the storyline. And I'm saying that both in terms of the major mystery arc as well as, for example, the villain storylines. So like everybody else, we work, we try to balance out how much of it is an open world experience versus how much of it is a narrative-driven experience. And what we came up with was a model, kind of a system of tracks for the player that they can kind of change lanes at their own liberty, which is great because it means different players are going to frankly experience that content different ways. Marty: And I just want to riff off something that Pat mentioned just in passing, but the night after night thing is actually really important because our game doesn't take place in just one night--it's over many nights. Redding: Many weeks and months of crime fighting. Marty: And exploring our villain stories and all that. Can you clarify how the story part of that works? Does each character have their own story happening or is it like different perspectives on the same overall story? Marty: Yeah, I think the story is the same. You will get some nuances of course, because some characters have special relationships with certain people in Gotham City, but the overall story is the same whoever you're playing. So if I start the game as Batgirl and then replay it as Nightwing, they generally will be on the same path, but with minor nuances to it? Redding: Yeah. I mean, when you get into a major narrative beat, the person you're talking to for example, like if you're speaking to a villain, their history with your character is often going to be reflected in the kind of dialogue that you're seeing. So even if the overall structure of the story remains consistent and it becomes something, you can dip into and out of with different characters if that's how you want to play, as Fleur put it, there's nuance, there's moments of nuance, the relationships in particular, that is reflected. How big is the city and is there a convenient excuse to remove civilians from it like in previous Batman games--it's Christmas in Origins, for example, and the people are scared and evacuate in Knight. Will the city be fully populated with cars and people, and is there a day-night cycle? Marty: In terms of size, we have five boroughs that are across several islands, connected by bridges and all that. So it's a fairly big city. But also to tie it with your question about population, it's also a very dense city. That's something we really wanted to go and do--provide that fully living, breathing Gotham City experience to players. It's not a city where the population is missing or whatever. And that's really important for us because it's also, they are the one at the heart of all this, of the criminal factions and the GCPD going a bit rogue and chasing vigilantes. So the population is also at the heart of this. Redding: Yeah. I think it's an ecosystem, right? And to have an ecosystem, you need all the pieces of it, which means you need citizens and you need the way they react to you as a vigilante or as a crime fighter versus how they'll react to you eventually when you kind of become known and trusted for them. You have a police force that is ostensibly protecting the citizens, but doing it in the most brutal, heavy-handed fashion possible. And then you have these criminal factions. And so that ecosystem demands a dynamic, very interactive version of Gotham. Also, like Fleur mentioned, it's not just one night. You're going back night after night of patrol, night after night of party crashing on crime, which means that the city needs to be very much alive and has traffic and all of those sorts of things. You touched on crafting. I do remember a point in the trailer where one of the characters picked up some kind of loot? Fleur Marty: Yeah, so we do have crafting and while you’re fighting crime or going through missions, you pick up blueprints and materials. Part of the game loop is that so you’re basically out fighting crime at night and in the daytime, you come back to your home base in the Belfry and you analyse the evidence that you’ve gathered through the night and you also use whatever you’ve picked up to craft your gear and your gear is not only your weapons, or melee or ranged stuff, but you can craft elements of your suit with the loot that you’ve got. There there are no Games as a Service elements in the game. There are some RPG mechanics and I think that’s where the confusion came from. We are an Action RPG game and there are ability trees for our characters and there is gear that you craft, but it’s not a Games as a Service. There was a lot of chatter online about damage markers. Why was the decision made to include these and are they final? Fleur Marty: I want to mention that we’ll have plenty of options for customising whatever you want to show up on screen or not. So for whoever it bothers, they can just remove them. It’s part of that of that RPG aspect that we’re exploring. There’s four playable characters, but a maximum of two players in co-op. Why was this decision made? Fleur Marty: We really wanted to make sure first and foremost that the single player experience would be absolutely flawless. Even though we care very much about the the two player Co Op experience, it’s very important to us. When you when you have a four player brawler game, you start to be constrained to design levels that are designed around that and that would feel weird if you’re just playing them solo. If you’re playing alone, does an A.I character fill that second spot, or is it purely just you playing single player? Fleur Marty: If you’re playing solo, you’re purely playing single player. About Batman... Redding: Batman is dead. He is dead from the start of the game. So is it fair to say that Bruce Wayne/Batman will not be in this game? Redding: Not playable. Marty: Yeah. No. Only characters that you can play are Batgirl, Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing. Because the running theory is, "Oh, he's embedded in the Court of Owls." Redding: Right. Sure. Marty: No. We see all the theories, but yeah. No. He's dead dead.
  8. Si scusate, non sapevo fosse già stato postato e di conseguenza la presenza dello spoiler nei commenti che ormai per sicurezza non guardo più da un mese e mezzo.
  9. Assolutamente no:asd: ma ha aperto il topic prima dei tweet della tizia
  10. Il marito della tizia ha confermato che lei non ha nessun copyright. Riguardo l'ipotetico plagio. Ricordiamoci che questo è uno spot fatto in outourcing da un altra società in accordo con Sony. Ovviamente ND sarà stata in contatto ma i controlli spettavano anche, o magari più, ad altri tipo Sony stessa e la società che si è occupata dello spot. Vallo a sapere quanti passaggi di mani e controlli ci so stati a cui magari l'informazione che fosse una cover di sta tizia (se davvero si so ispirati ad essa visto che ci saranno miliardi di riarrangiamenti in giro) non è arrivata a chi di dovere dei ND. Druckmann in passato ha sempre citato gli artisti da cui prendevano robe quindi non credo avrebbe problemi a rifarlo. Visto che qua non c'è alcuna questione di diritti da pagare (lo hanno già fatto con l'autore originale) ecc... e la tizia voleva solo essere semplicemente citata allora non vedo perchè non farlo se ne fossero stati a conoscenza. Con tutti i casini che devono gestire negli ultimi tempi non lo avranno saputo e amen.
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